"The only thing worse than the debate itself (Ava and C.I.)" -- most requested highlight of the week.
Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Cowardly Debater" -- Isaiah on the debate stylings of Barack.
"Almond Rice Stuffing in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers a recipe you can start making now if you're looking for something different to take to Thanskgiving.
"Stop the Benghazi lies -- it was known all along," "Benghazi," "The e-mails are proof," "Benghazi-gate," "So many questions the White House needs to answer," "Benghazi," "Benghazi and Barack" and "Benghazi" -- Ruth, Trina, Kat, Marcia and Stan cover Benghazi.
"Argo" and "The Avengers" -- Kat and Stan go to the movies.
"Our modern day Nostradamus" -- Elaine on the wasteful diversions and distractions.
"Still struggling to close the
deal" and "THIS JUST IN! BARRY O STRUGGLES!" -- he's so popular! supposedly. But he can't close the deal.
"scandal," "Why don't you watch TV?," "Nikita "Innocence"," "more on revenge," "Whitney," "Fringe," "666 Park Avenue," "revenge," "The Good Wife" and "Fringe, Isaiah, Jerry White, Afghanistan" -- Rebecca, Kat, Mike, Marcia, Betty and Stan cover TV.
"The new strategy that plays into
the debate image problem," "The debates and
Netflix" and
"The most amazing part of the debate" -- Ann, Stan and Elaine on last week's debate.
"The most amazing part of the debate" -- Ann, Stan and Elaine on last week's debate.
"Jesse can't serve his current
term but wants another" -- Betty on Jesse Jackson Jr. who is running for re-election from a rehab center.
"Another reason to eat more beans" -- Trina on nutrition.
"Pregnancy talk" -- Ann talks pregnancy.
"Anchorage and more" -- Betty on a song she loves.
"the i.r.s. needs to audit n.o.w." -- Rebecca on the 'non-partisan' NOW.
"It's on Jill Stein" -- Trina about the election.
"Shut up, Richard Kim, it's a sexist ad" and "Well the men have spoken . . ." -- Ann and Marcia on a get-out-the-vote ad.
"Robert Gibbs: World's Best Parent" and "THIS JUST IN! THE PARENTING OF ROBERT GIBBS!" -- Cedric and Wally on the next Dr. Spock, Bobby Gibbs.