Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (above) declared, "I saw the president make the tough calls in the Situation Room -- and today, our troops in Iraq have finally come home so America can do some nation building here at home."
Our troops came home!
And that is true . .
Except for the ones in the United States' Office of Security Cooperation Iraq, the ones RTT reported on at the end of last month: "More than 225 U.S. troops, seven Defense Department civilians, 530 security assistance team members and more than 4,000 contracted personnel are currently in the office at the Iraqi government's invitation.""
But it's true . . .
Except for the special forces Sean Rayment (Telegraph of London) reported on earlier this month:
than 3,500 insurgents have been "taken off the streets of Baghdad" by
the elite British force in a series of audacious "Black Ops" over the
past two years.
is understood that while the majority of the terrorists were captured,
several hundred, who were mainly members of the organisation known as
"al-Qa'eda in Iraq" have been killed by the SAS.
SAS is part of a highly secretive unit called "Task Force Black" which
also includes Delta Force, the US equivalent of the SAS.
Still it's true . . .
Except for the 15,000 US troops who were transitioned to and remain in Kuwait, ready to go back into Iraq at a moment's notice. Good news, the Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are uncomfortable leaving 15,000 US troops so close to Iraq. In [PDF format warning] "The Gulf Security Architecture: Partnership With The Gulf Co-Operation Council" (issued June 19th), they recommended dropping it to 13,000 and continuing it for four mroe years. Great news, if you're a War Hawk.
But Rahm's statement is true, they all came home . ..
Except for the [PDF format warning] 4488 the US Dept. of Defense counts as dying in the war.
And of course, some were so mentally and/or physically scarred, they may feel they left part of themselves in Iraq.
But except for that . . .
Except for all of that . . .
If you ignore all those qualifiers, you too can pretend Rahm Emanuel told the truth.