Annie Hall can rightly be called an American classic.

Crapapedia calls it something else. From the Paddy Chayefsky entry: "Sidney Aaron 'Paddy' Chayefsky (January 29, 1923 -- August 1, 1981), was an American playwright, screenwriter and novelist. He is the one of only two people to have won three solo Academy Awards for Best Screenplay (the other being Woody Allen). The other three time winners, Francis Ford Coppola, Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder, have all shared their awards with co-writers.[1]"

Woody Allen has won three solo Academy Awards for Best Screenplay?
In what world?
Woody won an Academy Award for Best Director (Annie Hall). He won three other Academy Awards for screenplays (Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters and Midnight in Paris).
Do you see the problem?
Crapapedia and it's jerk-off boiz have yet again created an 'accomplishment' for one of their favorites -- an accomplishment that doesn't exist.
Marshall Brickman performed with John and Michelle Phillips in The New Journeyman. While John and Michelle became Papa John and Mama Michelle (the Mamas and the Papas), Brickman became a screenwriter.
Annie Hall was written by Woody Allen and Marshall Brickman. See the first illustration above (back cover of Annie Hall DVD) above or look at that section enlarged below.

Which means Crapapedia is wrong. Currently Paddy Chayesfsky is the only screenwriter to win the Acadamy Award for Best Screenplay three solo times. Woody Allen, like Francis Ford Coppola, Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder, has won three times but not three times solo.