Weep, America, weep!
And that's only one special planned.
As we're encouraged to wallow in being powerless, we'll be preached to of the wonders of "unity." And how we were all together on September 11th.
Is that true?
If so, that was our biggest mistake.
And we say F**k Unity.

Unity gave us no questions asked. Unity gave us the PATRIOT Act. Unity gave us 'look the other way as flights are grounded but the government gets certain individuals flown out of the US.'
Heaven forbid something similar to 9-11 takes place again, but if it does, be sure to shout "F**k Unity!"
Shout it because if you don't you are an idiot.
Do you really believe that the bailed out bankers share your concerns?
Did 9-11 cause "American" corporations to stop setting up offshore tax havens or cause them to stop sending manufacturing jobs overseas? Or call service jobs overseas?
The cry of "unity" is nothing but pablum for the patsies being taken advantage of. Submit at your own risk.