Freedom's illusion, home of the rich and the slave
Cynics and critics, making the news, creating a scene
Destiny lies in the fools who refuse to give up on a dream
And I love people who smile
If everybody smiles, we'll have a hometown all over the world
I love people who smile
If everybody smiles, we'll have a hometown all over the world
-- "Smile," written by Melanie and Beau Jarred Schekeryk and appears on many albums including Melanie's latest Ever Since You Never Heard of Me.
Never forget that you are also the media. Or that the mystic Melanie is often onto something years ahead of anyone else.

We were reminded of that while reading Jane Fonda's latest, just released book Prime Time, specifically a section Jane kicks off on page 143:
Guess what else you can do to develop new neural pathways that will lead you out of sourpussness? Smile! That's right. By smiling you actually change the pattern of information going from the muscles in your body -- in this case, the muscles around your mouth and eyes -- to your brain. This has a big impact on health and well-being, both short-term and long-term. Dr. Norman Cousins believed he cured himself of bone cancer and other diseases by watching funny movies and laughing and smiling, which mobilized his endorphins and the healing keys of his immune system, like T cells, lymphocytes, leucocytes, and phagocytes into action to fight the disease.
You can curse the medium without ever changing it. Realizing your own power as a communicator is part of changing the world around you.
Wear it well and it could appear in your heart
Indelibly printed on someone a world apart
Lights in the window all through our darkest day
Human kindness outdistances being afraid
I love people who smile
If everybody smiles, we’ll have a hometown all over the world
I love people who smile
If everybody smiles, we’ll have a hometown all over the world
-- "Smile."