"I Hate The War" -- The most requested highlight by readers of this site.
Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Plan For Day 101" -- Isaiah explains what Nouri has in mind.
"Iraq snapshot," "Brown and Collins ask Panetta," "Claire McCaskill" and "Senate Armed Service Committee Boneheads" -- C.I., Ava, Wally and Kat report on the confirmation hearing for Leon Panetta.
"Iraq snapshot," "Sexual assaults at the VA (Ava)," "Army pays $1 billion annually in unemployment" and "Senator Burr" -- C.I., Ava, Wally and Kat report on a Senate Veterans Affairs Committee hearing.
"Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. reports on the Commission for Wartime Contracting hearing last week.
"Enemy of the State," "A movie that makes me cry," "X-Men," "TASAT" and "look who they're going after now" -- Stan goes to the movies as do Kat, Mike, Elaine and Rebecca while Ann monitors the radio:"Iraq snapshot," "Sexual assaults at the VA (Ava)," "Army pays $1 billion annually in unemployment" and "Senator Burr" -- C.I., Ava, Wally and Kat report on a Senate Veterans Affairs Committee hearing.
"Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. reports on the Commission for Wartime Contracting hearing last week.
"The sick Chicago Tribune" -- Elaine calls out the War Hawks.
"Eggplants and roma tomatoes in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers an easy, fresh vegetable recipe.
"Tracy Morgan is disgusting," "the disgusting tracy morgan," "Morgan, Fey and Baldwin treat homophobia as a joke," and "Idiot of the week: Ron Nyswaner" -- Betty, Rebecca, Marcia and Mike call out Tracy Morgan.
"And how 'bout those fingers?" and "THIS JUST IN! HANDS OFF!" -- Cedric and Wally explain Barack's 'magic' touch.
"Lunch panhandlers" -- Betty goes out to eat and has panhandlers stop by the table -- but the panhandlers are the wait staff.
"Trashy John Edwards" and "The trashy john Edwards" -- Ruth covers the cesspool that is John Edwards.
"Way more than just Spock" -- Marcia responds to a reduction of Leonard Nimoy.
"When Front Runners Attack" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.
"The Garbage, The Stink, The Network News" and "PBS is becoming a cesspool" -- C.I. and Stan provide two instant classics.
"233 soldiers have died in Iraq under CIC Barack" -- Betty notes the War Hawk in Chief.
"Carney and Helene" -- Kat reports on the White House press briefing.
"The economy" -- Trina on the economy.
"Free Speech Radio News ignores Iraq" -- Ruth's important post.
"THIS JUST IN! BEAT BY BASEBALL EQUIPMENT!" and "A slump in his pants" -- Wally and Cedric on polling.
"Is it still The Progressive?" -- Elaine asks the important question.