Colson's been publicly and repeatedly criticized for not being a feminist (she insists she is) and that probably motivated her to write "Blaming an 11-year-old victim." In that article, she notes:
HOW DO you make an unspeakable act of sexual violence against an 11-year-old girl even worse?
[. . .]
THERE IS something horrifying about the idea that, in 2011, women (and girls) are routinely blamed for their own sexual assault, rape and sexual harassment.
[. . .]
Many victims are reluctant to report their assaults--because they fear exactly this kind of public condemnation and questioning about whether they somehow "provoked" an attack by wearing, saying or doing the wrong thing.
[. . .]
If we ever want to stop rape, the routine blaming of the victim for being assaulted has to be stopped first.
Remind you of anything?
If you read Ava and C.I.'s "The Damned Don't Apologize" you might be asking, does she mention Nir Rosen?
Nope. But US Socialist Worker has been happy -- in the last 12 months -- to cite him and interview him four times.
If you want to end it, if you want to end rape and sexual assault and the attacks on the victims, then you have to call out the attackers. That would include Nir Rosen who argued that CBS News' Lara Logan deserved to be sexually assaulted.
Somehow, 'feminist' Nicole Colson wants to weigh in but can't find the guts or strength to call out Nir Rosen. Pathetic.
And as Elaine recently noted, Colson's emphasis is still on men. Could she find no women to cite on an article about rape and sexual assault? Hugo Schwyzer, Arthur S. Brisbane, RAIN? On Brisbane, he's quoted as a critic of The New York Times' reporting. There were female critics she could have quoted. She's pretty much forced into quoting the man who wrote the bad article Brisbane's commenting on. But she wasn't forced into quoting Brisbane. Nor was she forced to quote RAIN -- a group we walked away from after Ava, C.I., Kat and Wally attended too many hearings on sexual assault in the military where RAIN sent their male president to talk and he rudely talked over the women on the same panel and offered little of value. Nicole Colson's not aware of that because . . . Well, because she's faux feminist Nicole Colson.
And that's enough to let her nose ahead of Piss Panties Katrina vanden Heuvel (as well as previous winner Juan Cole who wallowed in stupidty and War Hawkery this week) and win "The Bronze Boob." Work on that acceptance speech, Nicole.