Sunday, December 19, 2010


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" and "Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. ties with herself as readers split over both as the best of the week (by one vote, "I Hate The War" pulled ahead). In the first, she's addressing the peace action and, in the second, she's addressing the way so many lie to destroy.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Honey Pot" -- Among those who lie to destroy is Ray McGovern.

"The Cult of St. Barack," "Ishameal and other bad things," "Barry and his groupies," and
"Barack and the groupies" -- Ann, Betty, Marcia, Stan and Ty write an article.

"Desperate Housewives" and "brothers & sisters" and "Hulu" and "Shopping, The Event" and "TV" -- Betty, Rebecca, Mike, Marcia and Ruth cover TV.

"NPR works for Stephanie Cutter" and "NPR improves" -- Ruth catches NPR off balance and then improving.

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell
" -- Marcia on the efforts to overturn.

"He makes sure GE's happy" & "THIS JUST IN! BARRY O THE COMPANY MAN!" -- Cedric and Wally on who Barack really works for.

"Little Miss Bully Boy" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.

"Fancy Mac & Cheese in the Kitchen" -- An easy recipe from Trina's site.

"They're trying to scare me to death!" -- Ruth stars in a horror post.

"Blake Edwards" -- Kat notes the passing of director Blake Edwards.

"Collapse and Joan Rivers: A Piece Of Work" -- Stan goes to the movies and sees documentaries.

"Peace" -- Elaine weighs in on the silences.

"The stalemate" -- Mike weighs in.

"I'm not Sarah Connor" and "Interesting essay" -- Betty and Stan react to an online essay.

"Iraq reality" -- Elaine gets to the point on Iraq.

"Harry wants to work now" -- but where was he in October, Mike points out.

"Christmas shopping nightmares" and "Procrastination is killing me" -- Trina and Marcia share Christmas shopping horror stories.

"Open letter" and "Prissy Bill Fletcher Junior" -- Ann and Betty with related posts.

"Net Neutrality vote scheduled for December 21st" -- Kat asks you to keep your eye on this.

"ObamaCare dealt a set-back" -- Stan on the good news of the week.

"That liar Nicole Colson" -- Elaine takes on Nicole.

"Monday Lectures From Moron" and "THIS JUST IN! LECTURES FROM BARRY!" -- Cedric and Wally on the speechifier.
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