Another faux event from the weak, another wasted Saturday when Congress adjourned and went home Thursday. Another get-out-the-vote effort masquerading as 'activism.' Another so-called 'action' that forgets the Iraq War.
Why the hell would anyone in their sane mind gladly take part in that crap?
Answer: None would. (Many expressed no gladness or joy to reporters, only resignation.)
Margaret Talev (McClatchy Newspapers) reports talker Ed Schultz opened the proceedings yesterday insiting that Republicans were "forces of evil." With no apparent sense of irony or awareness, Peggy Brown's quoted by the same reporter stating that the right-wing "preach and spew out hate."
It should be noted that One Nation didn't just spew out hate, it also had a lot of stupidity. For example, how very pathetic (and telling) that this get-out-the-vote for Democrats in the midterm elections had the Green Party as one of its endorsers. Message to the Green Party, you'll never be more than Jan Brady to the Democrats Marcia until you find that spine and stop cowering.
And Democrats? Those participating demonstrated that whores can't stop whoring. You had the steam roller brigade who stole the nomination and gifted it to Barack in 2008, as led by Howie Dean party gal Leah Daughtry. The middle-aged, overweight and bald Daughtry wasn't content to deny the will of the voters in Denver, she also made it clear that those who do not believe in a god aren't welcome in the Democratic Party.

Unable to do much of anything, the useless gathered yesterday to, as Marilyn Robinson told USA Today, provide "cover" for Barack Obama from people "who criticize him." And you thought blind devotion died when Bush left the White House?
AP reports that blowhard Ed Schultz (a Republican until a little before the Democratic Party dangled money and a national radio career) insisted that the GOP was the one "shipping jobs overseas and curtailing freedoms." Damn. That's one powerful party. They don't control the White House or either house in Congress, but they're controlling everything. Amazing. Barack Obama is president of the United States, he's the one claiming, for example, the right to kill people on his say so, the right to execute without even a trial.
Krissah Thompson and Spence Hsu (Washington Post) and Brad Knickerbocker (Christian Science Monitor) report that the crowd yesterday was smaller than the turnout for the Glenn Beck rally.
Glenn Beck's rally was the obsession of Saturday's organizers. Ben Jealous (NAACP) insisted to the crowd that they were "the antidote to the Tea Party" when, in reality, they were just the other side of the same coin.
Politico's Scott Wong featured the voices of attendees expressing dismay and it's in those comments that reality can be found. Instead of a rally for the Democratic Party, instead of providing "cover" for Barack, the left should have been making demands and threatening to sit it out or vote third party this November. Without demands, you get no concessions. Do none of our faux 'leaders' on the left grasp the principles of bargaining?
The next time the left thinks they want to get their act together. First, dump the anti-choice Ed Schultz. He's not needed, he's not wanted. His cable performance is a joke, he's not the image America wants or needs. Second, put people on stage like Libbyliberal (Corrente) who grasp issues and aren't blinded by personalities. Mainly don't spend so much time with political envy. Stop obsessing with what the other side is doing and step up to the plate ready to propose your own actions, your own programs. The political jealousy ensured that no message would get out other than the idiotic competition with Glenn Beck.