Atika Shubert
on AssMatch since July 2000

Occupation: Media Whore
Favorite song: "H.W.C." by Liz Phair
Favorite non-porn film: The Ruling Class
Favorite film period: Sometimes I think it's a toss up between Rezko Films' Barrack's Big Stimulus Package and Sasha Grey's amazing work in Throat: A Cautionary Tale but then the auteur in me insist nothing will ever top Silwa Reality Productions' Pissing Babes.
Favorite non-porn film quote: "You were fornicating lovers! Sperm dancers!"
Favorite film quote period: "I don't know where a f**king bike trail is. I just want to get ass f**ked. Do you guys think you can help me?"
Favorite scent: DKN Scat for Hookers
Favorite position: Prone
Fun things and likes: Focusing on the tree to ignore the forest.