For plus-size 'bear' Andrew Sullivan, the decade began with sex just as it ends with it. For over 14 months now, Andrew Sullivan has continued his nutty crusade to 'prove' that Sarah Palin's youngest child, Trig, is not, in fact, her own child.
Despite the fact that Sarah and Todd Palin say Trig is their child, Pandy Andy thinks he knows best or at least better.
And the whole thing screams of the way he started this decade: Advertising for sex.
The HIV-positive Andrew Sullivan could be found all over the net advertising for a bareback experience.
Here he is bragging about his accomplishments:
I take loads in my ass.
I take loads in my mouth.
I give loads in asses.
I give loads in mouths.
Now you don't see that every day on the old resume. He went on to explain he was looking for: "One-on-One's 3-Ways Groups/Parties/Orgies Gang Bangs" -- if there's a process of coupling that he's left out, we can't think of it.
While he was explaining turn offs ("shaved bods; fems; fats; over 50"), we were suddenly snagged by a notion: Does Andy know a thing about sex?
We know he knows where to place things -- obviously, we read his "loads" litany. But maybe his obsession with Sarah Palin's pregnancy has to do with the fact that Andrew Sullivan lacks in sexual education? Maybe he really doesn't understand basic concepts such as sperm fertilizes egg?
If so, that would explain why he would think HIV-positive sperm is just the thing America's dying to hook up with. (Sullivan maintained -- after he was exposed -- that he would have/was only hooking up with HIV-positive men but the ad does not make that clear -- an ad which tells you he's almost eight inches when erect, which tells you he has a "killer muscle ass that loves to milk loads" -- somehow left out "HIV-positive only" instead substituting "I prefer you to be: POZ.")