So I'm cleaning out my purse and find not one, not two, but six business cards from the hair salon I frequent. Nikki wants me to use a product. What product? I can't read her writing. Something like Aquage Gelade. Arthur, Kim and Simon apparently just wanted me to know their name. That and schedule my next appointment.
That's why I have these stupid cards.
I go in for an appointment I've scheduled, by phone, and just when I'm checking out the damage done in the mirror, I'm being pressed to figure out when I want to come in next, I'm being ordered to commit to deadline.
My hair color is natural with no highlights or streaks. I wear it long. I don't have bangs. Point being, I don't have roots to touch up, I don't require a trim by X date. My hair is one of the few things in my life that actually has flexibility.
So their efforts to force me, as I've just gotten one hair cut, to schedule another really tick me off.
Somehow "I don't know, I'll call you," isn't a good enough answer. So to get them off my case, I generally just grab whatever date they're 'suggesting' (insisting), toss the business card in my purse and head out the door.
That used to be it. But after a few times of this, when I called to schedule an appointment, I was informed that I'd missed a number of appointments. Only the ones scheduled in person, I pointed out, not the ones I scheduled on the phone. But it was obviously a problem.
So now, I have to take the card and have to call back to cancel the appointment I didn't want but the stylist scheduled over my objections.
And it can be a real hassle.
So much so, that I'm considering changing salons.
All I'm trying to do is get a hair cut. Every four to six weeks. Seems there ought to be a salon that could do that and not try to strong-arm you into immediately booking your next appointment.