Last week, we offered "Shame on Dennis Loo" which followed up on Ruth's "Elizabeth Esser-Stuart." Ava and C.I. elected not to participate in the writing of the group piece and we weren't surprised (or offended) by that.
Tuesday saw them penning "To Dennis with Loo from Ava and C.I." and what changed?
Denny Loo couldn't stop distorting us and Ava and C.I. don't stay silent when their friends are trashed.
And as usual, he couldn't stop trashing.
At World Can't Wait, Eddie called Denny Loo out and Denny accused Eddie of being some part of The Third Estate Sunday Review (Third is Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava, C.I.and me, Jim). Eddie's not part of Third. Eddie's never been among those assisting us at Third. But punk ass Denny Loo doesn't like being corrected so he prefers to smear people.
When Eddie pointed out that Ava and C.I. had already addressed the issue of Denny's participation in t-word conversations (that they took place at a blog), Denny insisted that people shouldn't assume that was him.

Even though the poster used Denny's photo as well as name.
Even though the poster, like Denny Loo, has to have the last word or, as Mike put it, the last 500 words.
It is Denny Loo.
At World Can't Wait last week, he referenced one use of the term "tea bag" in his World Can't Wait essays. He played martyr and wronged party.
He forgot to explain that he already knew that smearing someone with the t-word was using homophobia (that was explained in one of the threads he couldn't stop posting replies in), he forgot to explain just how many thread conversations on the t-word he had taken part in.
He forgot to mention that knowing all of that, his use of "tea bag" at World Can't Wait reads like a wink-and-a-nod.
Denny Loo's a liar.
I waited for the tough talking punk ass to show up in our inbox. Big surprise, he never did.
He wants something from us.
Probably worship.
Kiss our ass, Denny Loo.
We stand by what we wrote last week.
Denny Loo is using homophobia.
And, in my opinion, Denny Loo's a homophobe.
For the opinions of others you can see the following:
"And Dennis went to the Loo"
"Dennis Loo's rocks fell out"
"Italian Potatoes in the Kitchen"
"sick of the hypocrisy"
"Dennis Loo, world class fool"
"The control freak Dennis Loo"
"Dennis Loo is a PRISSY idiot"