Object to ObamaCare and you're racist.
It's really the only trick the Cult of St. Barack ever had and, oh, it's grown old.

Reality is that there is no plan. The House has proposals, the Senate has a proposal, the White House has a wish list. Nothing's been passed.
That hasn't stopped Barack from hitting the campaign trail to try and sell ObamaCare, the non-existent ObamaCare. Any decent sales person can tell you it's much easier to sell something that actually exists.
To distract from the lack of a plan and the fact that no one is proposing single payer, it was necessary to yet again demonize the people.
The people are just so rude. The people are so loud. They shout. And politicians have a hard enough job representing the corporations without also having to deal with the public!
Do these whiners know anything about our history? Do they think America has gotten to where it is today, where ever that is, without using their angry words?
What a bunch of losers.
We mean our members of Congress.
And they better grasp that it's backfiring on them, blaming the people.
Rasmussen's latest poll finds, "49% believe town hall protesters genuinely express concerns of their neighbors ... 37% think protests are phony." And "41% have favorable view of town hall protesters ... 35% unfavorable."
Pelosi and company better grab a clue: Forcing the public to choose between politicians and citizens isn't a difficult choice: They'll choose their own every time.
Why the demonization?
We're back to the start: There is no plan.
So they're playing a shell game, trying to distract you.
Reality: Barack promised ObamaCare would pass before the August recess. Reality, the August recess is now and ObamaCare has not been passed.
They can hit the road trying to sell their empty basket and they can demonize all they want but the problem is not the American people or the democratic process. The problem is the politicians.

And, reality check, Barack's diving in the polls and has far less political capital to spend.
Illustration is Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Full On Federline"