"Iraq snapshot," "The do nothing Wartime Contracting Commission," "Some pretend to cover the Congressional song and dance, most ignore it," "House Veterans Affairs Strategic Forces Subcommittee," "Iraq snapshot," "Assessing CARES and the Future of VA's Health Infrastructure" and "Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. and Kat report on Congressional hearings they attended last week.
"I Hate The War" -- The most requested highlight of the week. And the editorial here this week should be on a similar note. We're running behind. So much so that Ava and C.I. have asked, "Do we need to do a second piece?" When they're offering (not being asked, but offering) to write a second commentary, you know we're struggling to cross the finish line.
Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Lowering the Brand" -- Isaiah's latest delicious comic.
"Kat's Korner: Ben Harper" -- Kat urges you to listen to Ben Harper's new album.
"Quick entr in the Kitchen" -- Y because she was tired. We really liked this entry by Trina. She hates it. But she just wasn't in the mood for cooking or much else Friday night.
"The digitial divide" -- Betty breaks down the digital divide. By the way, that's it. In terms of that story, that's it. Two years ago, Ava and C.I. began covering it. Last week, Real Media finally showed some serious concerns. And a number of people wrote this site and Ty summed the e-mails up for us as: "So now you've got to go to the subject one more time." Not a chance. They covered it. Betty grabbed it Friday night because she wanted to make some points and she did a fine job. We're putting a check next to this topic.
"Vacationing Bully Boy" -- Isaiah digs into the archives to highlight this comic from 2005.
"anne frank" -- as Rebecca notes, Anne Frank would have turned 80 Friday.

"Ty hears from Manly Woman," "Jerry Wright's hatred," "Guantanamo and Torture" and "Hidden History" -- Ann continued to fill in for the vacationing Ruth. Ann's doing a wonderful job. We're highlighting all of her posts (one will be noted a little bit below) and can't sing her praises enough. Ann signed on for four days of posts, one each week. Worried that she wouldn't be able to do it, she asked if we could rework the schedule (Mike, C.I., Wally and Betty were also signed up as guest bloggers) so she could grab her first four days all at once. She then wanted to know if she could grab week two and then . . . Now it looks like she'll have done all the blogging herself and she's done a great job. Illustration is of Ann by Betty's kids.
"Letterman," "Letterman the dirty old man" and "THIS JUST IN! LETTERMAN'S A PERV!" -- Marcia, Cedric and Wally on smutty old man David Letterman. This is the topic Ava and C.I. cover this week in their commentary.
"Fake mustache and eyebrows" -- Stan's Friday movie post.
"Idiot of the week goes to . . ." -- Mike's post had several e-mails asking for it to be highlighted. It's also mentioned in an article here this week.
"THIS JUST IN! BARRY & JERRY'S FOR BIGOTS EVERYWHERE!" and "Jeremiah Wrights crawls out from under his rock" -- Jeremiah Speaks!
"American Dad," "Roger and 'Of Ice And Men.' "'irregarding steve'," "American Dad stem, stem, seed . . .," "The do nothing Wartime Contracting Commission," "Gloria Feldt, Bob Somerby, American Dad," "William Blu, American Dad, Roger & Hayley," "Deborah Vagins, World Can't Wait, American Dad" and "World Can't Wait, Kelley B. Vlahos, American Dad" -- Community theme post on American Dad.