Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reaction to the denial of marriage equality

Free Speech Radio News segment Wednesday.

Crowd chanting: What do we want! Equal rights! When do we want it! Now!

Aura Bogado: Thousands of people also demonstrated in West Hollywood last night against the California supreme court's ruling. A crowd gathered at a stage to hear speakers rally same-sex marriage supporters as an enormous mass of people assembled at the corner of Santa Monica and San Vicente -- among them was actor and producer Drew Barrymore who told FSRN she would do whatever it takes. to make sure same-sex marriage is finally honored in the state of California.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore: My name is Drew Barrymore. I'm here to protest prop 8. families deserve to be loved people deserve civil rights we cannot take a step backwards now in this moment. please do whatever you can to reverse this.

Aura Bogado: Why'd you decide to come out here today?

Drew Barrymore: Because I was raised by gay men and women and I am who I am because of them. And I cannot live in a world where they don't have the rights and the liberties that they deserve and there are children out there who need loving homes. This is a cause that is dearer to my heart than anything I could ever imagine so i will go and i will fight and i will rally and I will do whatever it takes.

Aura Bogado: How did you find out about today's decision?

Drew Barrymore: I found out by my friend in a meeting at nine o'clock this morning and I knew what I was going to do tonight.

Aura Bogado: How did it make you feel when you heard about it?

Drew Barrymore: Angry. It makes no sense. It literally is illogical and cruel and absolutely unnecessary. This is crazy. We've taken giant steps forward, why do we want to take a step backwards.

Aura Bogado: And that again was Drew Barrymore I caught up with her at the demonstration against the California Supreme Court's ruling against same sex marriage. You're listening to FSRN. You can follow us at
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