I really get tired of the whores. For those e-mailing, media whores are called out here and there's always a lengthy debate as to whether to apply the term "whore" or not? If it's a woman, the question is, "Have we used it on a man recently? This isn't a fallback term for any time we want to criticize a woman, is it?" And we debate it and discuss it. If there's another term, we'll go with it (to describe men or women) but there's a lot of whoring going down. In fact, I would argue that there's more media whoring going on right now than at anytime during Bush's two terms.
All of that's my way of warning those of you offended by the use of the term "whore" that it's about to pop up so stop reading.
Last Monday, KPFA's Against the Grain featured two women I wish were idiots. If they were idiots I could call them that and dismiss them. They're not idiots so that leaves whores.
And if they're not happy with that, my advice to Janet Jakobsen and Ann Pellegrini is, "Stop acting like whores."
Did you know that a homophobic preacher against marriage equality is countered by a less homophobic preacher also against marriage equality?
This gay man never knew that.
Thank you, Annie and Jannie for clearing that up.
I have no idea whether the women are straight or gay but what I do know is that they chose to speak on gay issues so they damn well should know their facts.
They're the whores were, reviewing their Barack specialities, explaining Rick Warren was a homophobe who didn't support same-sex marriage. But, they told us, Joseph Lowery counteracted him. In discussing Warren, they specifically mentioned his opposition to same-sex marriage. In discussing Lowery? They forgot to mention he also opposed same-sex marriage.
They presented the two as bookends, as the yin and the yang, as complimenting one another with their differences when, reality check, neither man supports marriage equality.
Left out of the discussion, KPFA broadcasts in California, was Proposition 8 or rather how those pushing Proposition 8 were able to use Barack's own words, his own voice, in their robo calls and how Barack never called it out.
Noting that was apparently too much for two little Barack whores.
If KPFA can't seriously address gay issues, maybe it's time to stop covering them? The cowardice across the board at the station when it comes to holding Barry Bam-Bam accountable is putrid but when it comes to the LGBT community, it's become rancid. Who would have ever thought a supposed 'free speech' radio station broadcasting from San Francisco could be so weak when it comes to LGBT issues?