Ah, Caroline. At least Neil Diamond thought you were sweet.
Caroline Kennedy's never done a damn thing in her life to warrant her being appointed to the US Senate. Should she be elected, that's New York's problem. But let's not pretend that her life demonstrates any leadership or, for that mater, anything to be proud of.
In fact "whore" probably best describes Caroline.
We're not talking about, "Caroline sleeps around!" We're talking about the fact that the woman has no ethics and no standards. She wants the whole world to 'back off' and 'give her space' for her tragedies. But she'll be damned if she'll ever do the same for anyone else.
As the little intern Whore for The New York Daily News whose press career was going nowhere and desperate to get some sort of attention, Caroline decided to invite herself to Graceland for Elvis Presley's funeral. As the daughter of a famous president (slain while in office), she figured (rightly) that her visit would be seen as some sort of Lisa-Marie-I-lost-my-father-when-I-was-a-child-too-I-can-relate sort of thing. A "My father was a president and your father was the King" moment.
But the little s**t wasn't there for that. She was there on assignment.
She was there to do a write-up.
The Presley family could have invited the press to attend if they'd wanted to. They did not wish to do so.
But Caroline pushed her way into their tragedy and wrote about it.
She lied to get in and she was there as a scavenger, as a voyeur to their pain.
Lisa Marie wasn't even eight-years-old and Caroline, whose own mother shielded her, didn't give a damn. It was take and use what she could. It was disrespect the family of the dead, disrespect Elvis' legacy, disrespect where he came from and where he went.
And her remark about "All that fuss for a hillbilly truck driver" probably went a long way towards explaining how Princess Brat could show her what an ass she really was.
She's never apologized to Lisa Marie Presley (nor to Lisa's mother). She's never acknowledged to the public what she did. She's pretended, when pressed in public, that she was invited and that her report (which Rolling Stone ran after Harriet Fier spent days piecing together something readable from Caroline's scratches) was something the Presley family wanted and needed.
Caroline's a damn liar. She's a spoiled rotten princess who thinks she's entitled to the Senate seat. The same way she thought she was entitled to cover Elvis' funeral. The same way she thought she was entitled to treat other people in ways she'd scream if anyone treated her.
Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Caroline Speaks"

We could do The Caroline Chronicles here and might in the near future. But for now we'll note the way she treated Elvis' memory and his family. That says everything anyone ever needs to know about Caroline Kennedy -- Princess Brat expects that everything be handed to her.
[See Elaine's blistering "Caroline" and Wally and Cedric's "THIS JUST IN! WORKERS WANT EARNINGS, PRINCESS CAROLINE WANTS ENTITLEMENT!" and "Workers want what they earned, Caroline wants her ass kissed."]