Sunday, October 05, 2008

Bail Out Barry screws the tax payers

Last week the Senate and the House both passed a bill that will float corruption and soak the tax payers. How did it happen?

Last Monday on Democracy Now!, Dennis Kucinich explained which way the winds were blowing and why:

Amy Goodman: Congressman Kucinich, can you explain how it is that the Democrats are in charge, yet the Democrats back down on their demand to give bankruptcy judges authority to alter the terms of mortgages for homeowners facing foreclosure, that Democrats also failed in their attempt to steer a portion of any government profits from the package to affordable housing programs?

Dennis Kucinich: Well, I mean, those are two of the most glaring deficiencies in this bill. And I would maintain there was never any intention to -- you know, well, many members of Congress had the intention of helping people who were in foreclosure. You know, this -- Wall Street doesn't want to do that. Wall Street wants to grab whatever change they can and equity that's left in these properties. So --

Amy Goodman: Right, but the Democrats are in charge of this.

Dennis Kucinich: Right. You know, I'll tell you something that we were told in our caucus. We were told that our presidential candidate, when the negotiations started at the White House, said that he didn't want this in this bill. Now, that's what we were told.

Amy Goodman: You were told that Barack Obama did not want this in the bill?

Dennis Kucinich: That he didn't want the bankruptcy provisions in the bill. Now, you know, that's what we were told. And I don't understand why he would say that, if he did say that. And I think that there is a--the fact that we didn't put bankruptcy provisions in, that actually we removed any hope for judges to do any loan modifications or any forbearance. There's no moratorium on mortgage foreclosures in here. So, who's getting --who's really getting helped by this bill? This is a bailout, pure and simple, of Wall Street interests who have been involved in speculation.

Amazingly, everyone worked overtime to avoid what Dennis said. Kucinich's remarks shouldn't be surprising to anyone. As Democratic 'leaders' have repeatedly indicated, they are happy to do Barack's bidding. So Bail Out Barry gets his way and the tax payer's get screwed.
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