John McCormick (Chicago Tribune) quoted Brian Roger of the McCain campaign stating,
"It's disappointing that Sen. Obama has refused [our] offer to do joint town hall meetings. We understand it might be beneath a worldwide celebrity of Barack Obama's magnitude to appear at town hall meetings alongside John McCain and directly answer questions from the American people."

But it's not a two person race. Where are Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and Bob Barr? Like McCain, they were left out in the cold when it was 'decided' what would happen. Barack decreed and the world follows the Christ-child?
Ralph Nader continues to hold at 6% in the polling and, yesterday, picked up another state he'll be on the ballot in: California.
We support opening up the debates due to our respect for democracy. Members of The Cult of St. Barack should actually be supporting opening the debates as well.
1) Barack is lousy with questions but especially lousy with the first question. The more people on that stage, the less likely he'll get the first question at least half the time.
2) Barack is lousy one on one. Partly due to the first question aspect. His better performances in Democratic primary debates were when the stage was crowded. When he's being pitted against just one candidate, his flaws are even more obvious.
3) A two-person debate means Barack will have to respond more. When that happens he falls into his "uh . . . uh . . . uh" pattern and looks as bad as the current White House occupant.
For the above reasons alone, The Cult of Barack should insist that their Messiah be joined on stage by Barr, McKinney and Nader. Equally true is that with Nader and McKinney onstage, it will be harder for McCain to insist that Barack's 'radical'.
We don't find Ralph "cranky" but a lot of The Cult loves to use that word to describe him. Great. Put him on stage and make Barack look better by comparison. The Cult likes to label Cynthia a "nut." Again, we disagree but if that's what you believe, put her up on stage and make Barack look better.
There will only be three presidential debates and America deserves to know who is running. They deserve to hear from the candidates about where they stand and what they'd do. A democracy requires an informed citizenry. If you believe in democracy, open up the debates. If you're a Barack groupie, you don't have to believe in democracy to call for the debates to be open, you just have to grasp that Barack did better in the Democratic debates when he was on stage with many candidates and not just one.
Barack can't bone up for a debate with one person. That's been proven repeatedly. His grasp of the facts is too thin and he's not tested any positions beyond bumper sticker appeal. A two-person debate necessitates less questions for each candidate and shorter answers. That's the format Barack performs better in.
There will be one vice presidential debate. We argue it should be opened as well. We make that argument for democracy as well. But those who object to an open society (a real one, not a Soros funded one) should grasp that anyone on stage with Rosa Clemente is going to look a hell of a lot better. When Clemente starts going on about how the US needs to withdraw soldiers from Iran, not only will she provide much unintended laughter, she'll elevate the stature of everyone on the stage with her. Imagine how, just when the laughter dies down, the other candidates can stir it back up by doing a slow double take.
A truly open debate is good for democracy and it also benefits Barack, the corporatist centerist who has run a centrist campaign and really needs to grab those swing voters. No better way to prove he's in the middle than by having Nader and McKinney onstage next to him.