Sunday, July 27, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- The most requested highlight. C.I.'s addressing the topic -- the forbidden topic! As much as readers loved this, we all loved it as well.

"Dear Late To The Party" -- Jess responds to the latest e-mail nonsense wherein an outsider e-mails with an 'assignment' for C.I. which, for the record, was a topic C.I. was already covering.

"On the campaign trail" -- Betinna's campaigning for Ralph Nader.

"Meatloaf in the kitchen" -- Trina covers an easy to handle meatloaf recipe and notes Barack cancelling out on wounded US service members.

"Kevin Zeese" -- Kat reviews how shiny, helpful people can hurt the ones they love.

"naomi wolf, fool and borrower" -- Rebecca explains what's what re: Wolf.

"Frankie & Annette beach party movies and Nader" & "Isaiah, Beach Party movies and more" -- Ruth and Elaine revist the beach part movies.

"Goodman can't stop pimping 'dat man" & "THIS JUST IN! AND SHE PIMPS AGAIN!" -- Cedric and Wally cover how hard Amy Goodman works to cover-up for Barack.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The approved cover", Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Take Three" and Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Take Two" -- Isaiah's three comics from Sunday commenting on The New Yorker faux scandal.

"Ralph Nader, Isaiah, Third" -- Mike breaks down last week's edition.

"The racists of MoveOn and Color of Change" & "THIS JUST IN! MOVEON HAS NO STANDARDS!" -- The laughs keep a-comin' and, at this rate, Wally and Cedric just have to play it straight to get the laughs, just provide the reality because that's how ridiculous it's getting.

"Comics, media channel" -- Marcia weighs in on an outlet she's had her fill of.

"Ralph opens Nevada campaign office, Paul Street" -- Kat covering the latest on the Nader campaign and noting non-Kool-Aid drinker Street.

"Cooking, Ralph Nader, BonusGate" -- Kat thinks she's Trina! Seriously, Kat's writing about cooking and BonusGate.

"Bay Area post" -- Marcia writes about day one of the vacation.

"the 'gals' in feminist leadership, ralph nader, more" -- Rebecca letting it rip.

"The consensus was that he is a freak" -- Ruth writes about the plane ride to California and the judgment of the passengers re: Barack.

"BonusGate" -- Mike provides a run-down on BonusGate -- in spite of bossy-pushy outsider.

"Barack had 'better' things to do," "Technical problems fixed and Moyers on torture" and

"Technical problems (thanks Blogger/Blogspot)" -- Elaine filling in for Kat (first post) and then dealing with technical problems at her site.

"Iraq snapshot" & "Iraq snapshot" -- These two snapshots provide Congressional coverage. They have to be noted for that reason. Our press can't even bother these days. (Exceptions noted in both snapshots.)
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