If so, those are the breaks. And hey, it's not like you turned on her and told her you wanted to live with her wealty parents. It's not like you disowned her as an adult. It's not like you avoided her in your campaign (and life) to try to be something you're not. Cue up "I'm Living In Shame" by Diana Ross & the Supremes and dedicate it to Barack. Barack, it's not her fault your father was already married when he met your mother. It's not her fault that he believed in being married to many women at the same time. It's not her fault your father's father was the same way or that your father was, by all accounts, a no good drunk and abusive. She's not the one who abandoned you, that was your father. But you certainly took it out on her, didn't you?
This is Howard Wolfson's "HUBdate: Celebrating Mother’s Day" (HillaryClinton.com):

Mother's Day Celebration: Today Hillary and Chelsea celebrate Mother's Day in Grafton, WV, where the holiday originated 100 years ago.
A Mother's Day Wish: In a new video, Chelsea shares some of her fondest memories of her mother, and asks mothers across the country to share their mother’s day wishes with her. Watch here.
Why I Support Hillary: This Mother's Day, the deputy campaign counsel blogs, "It is because of my daughters that I understand what is at stake in this election, and why it is urgent and necessary that we choose for our country the leadership that we deserve...As a mother, what I wish most for my daughters is a bright future. For that, their country needs to get back on course." Read more.
Automatic Delegate Watch: Massachusetts delegate Arthur Powell yesterday announced his support for Hillary.
If You Read One Thing Today: In a Charleston Gazette op-ed today, Hillary writes, "For the past seven years, I know so many of you have felt invisible to our president -- holding your breath at the gas pump and the grocery checkout line; wondering what you'll do when health insurance disappears when a job does; seeing your loved ones who served our country in war ill-served when they return home. I am running for president to stand for you and fight for your dreams and your future." Read more.
"The Vote of a Lifetime" "To [Florence Steen], a woman born seven months before her gender won the right to vote in August 1920, seeing Clinton's name on a presidential ballot and marking her vote nearby was a dream realized …'She was very alert, very serious in studying the ballot,' [her daughter, Kathy] Kraus said. 'And when she marked it, she just kept circling and circling that mark with her pencil.'" Read more.
In Case You Missed It: Only one thing matters; winning the Presidency in November. Hillary Clinton has proven she is by far the strongest candidate and most likely to achieve that victory. How can she convince the Democratic Party delegates? Read more.
On Tap: Tomorrow, Hillary will attend events in Montgomery, Clear Fork, Logan, and Fairmont, West Virginia.
Howard Wolfson's Saturday "HUBdate: Strongest at the Top of the Ticket" (HillaryClinton.com):
Strongest at the Top of the Ticket: Several members of Congress released a letter yesterday to other Democrats touting their support for Hillary, saying she is the strongest candidate to have at the top of the ticket in the fall: "[W]e are convinced that Hillary Clinton has the vision, skills and commitment to make the changes our country needs. As Democrats who have run and won in competitive Congressional districts and battleground states, we believe that Hillary is best positioned to successfully lead the Democratic ticket in districts and states like ours around the country." Read more and more. Click here to view the Power Point presentation.
Automatic Delegate Watch: Yesterday, Texas Congressman Ciro Rodriguez and Pennsylvania Congressman Chris Carney endorsed Hillary. Said Rodriguez, "I believe Hillary Clinton has the experience, vision, and toughness to win a general election and can help expand our Democratic majority in Congress. Not only can she win, I am convinced that she will be a truly great President."
A Mother's Day Wish: In a new video, Chelsea shares some of her fondest memories of her mother, and asks mothers across the country to share their mother’s day wishes with her. Watch here.
Fourth Quarter: Ellen Malcolm writes in a Washington Post op-ed today: "Here we are in the fourth quarter of the nominating process and the game is too close to call...Why on earth should one candidate quit before the contest is finished? Democrats need not be so fainthearted..So why are some Democrats so afraid? We simply need to count every vote, let the remaining states have their say and see the process through to its conclusion." Read more.
WV Endorsement Watch: Former West Virginia Governor Hulett Smith and the State Senate Majority Leader Truman Chafin endorsed Hillary yesterday.
On the Air in OR and WV: In a new Oregon ad, U.S. Ambassador Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame Wilson tell voters why they support Hillary. A West Virginia ad demonstrates Hillary's commitment to leveling the playing field against special interests and strengthening America’s middle class. Watch here and here.
Touting Health Care in OR: "Sen. Hillary Clinton used an hourlong visit with Doernbecher Children’s Hospital patients and their families Friday morning to push for her universal health care plan, which she called the ‘unfinished business’ of the nation." Read more.
Previewing Today: Hillary attends a Mother’s Day celebration with Chelsea in New York.