The illustration's of Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman. We don't know of any Democracy Now! news. We spoke too soon. We were going to say, "This is our standard illustration for this piece so we're using it"; however, C.I. said with Static just out in softcover, Amy Goodman and her brother David Goodman (the authors of the bestseller and the previous bestseller The Exception to the Rulers) would be on the road.
Amy and David Goodman and the DN! team are on tour.
Visit http://tour.democracynow.org for more information.
9/28: Seattle, WA
10/05 New Brunswick, NJ
10/06 Washington, DC
10/11 New York, NY
10/15 New York, NY
10/26 Philadelphia, PA
For more tour information: http://tour.democracynow.org/
Like the note above, we would love to just "Amy and David Goodman"; however, a book review of Static that referred to the two as the "husband and wife team" has us hesitant to do so. We all have at least one brother and/or sister and we do grasp the difference even if the book reviewer did not.
Today on RadioNation with Laura Flanders which will explore the issue of mercenaries:
Now that the world's woken up to Blackwater, will the mercenary army be reigned in? Nation author JEREMY SCAHILL thinks not. Then, economist DEAN BAKER suggests solutions for the popping housing bubble. And, continuing quest for progressive organizing in surprising places, we consider synagogues. Nation authors PETER DRIER and DANIEL MAY have found a new wave of activism stirring in Jewish congregations. Finally, with Israel threatening Gaza with more collective punishment, we sit down with AKIVA ELDAR, author of a new book on settlements, "Lords of the Land," to discuss the malignancy of occupation.
RadioNation with Laura Flanders airs at one p.m. EST Sunday on Air America Radio, XM radio and streams online live.
By the way, an e-mail came in asking us to note another AAR program. Not interested. We'll note Flanders when we know about the program. Even if it's Katrina vanden Heuvel's seventh appearence in less than seven months. (She's Joey Heatherton!) But we're not interested in promoting AAR for a number of reasons including, as Joe noted in an e-mail this week, they now have links at the AAR site and, somehow, they couldn't think of one woman worthy of linking to. We think you have to be pretty pathetic and sexist to devise a list of links at this late date and not be able to think of even one blog run by a woman. Especially appalling, Ava and C.I. add, when one of your links goes to a "Coming Soon" -- to a site not even up and running. Oink, oink AAR, we smell pork.
Two upcoming programs on NYC's WBAI (which streams online) today and tomorrow, times given are EST:
Sunday, September 23, 11am-noon
Composer/jazz musician Fred Ho hosts this hour on the 25th Anniversary of his Afro-Asian Ensemble.
Monday, September 24, 2-3pm
Playwright Charles L. Mee and director Ann Bogart on the Siti Theatre Company's 15th Anniversary performance of Mee's "Hotel Casseopeia" upcoming at BAM; and author Foster Hirsch on his new biography of "Otto Preminger: The Man Who Would Be King." Hosted by Janet Coleman and David Dozer.
WBAI Radio/NY 99.5FM
streaming live at WBAI.org
archived at www.catradiocafe.com
Need some video with your audio? Quoting Elaine, "A Matter of Conscience is a new documentary which details Kevin Benderman's feelings about the Iraq War, his decision to take a stand, the trumped up case the US military created against him, and how he and Monica Benderman view the war. You can see a preview of it by clicking here."
And while you're online, you can take a look at the Free Sami Al-Haj petition. (You can also sign it.)
Lastly, in terms of political campaigns . . . For the record, the Green Party does not get enough attention. If a Green e-mails, unless we know we're in strong disagreement on them with something (we can't imagine, for instance, a racist running on the Green ticket, but if that happened and we knew it, we wouldn't note their release here), we do try to note it. If we see it, and we have time, we will note it. Scott Summers is running for Congress and announced yesterday.
September 17, 2007
Contact: Scott Summers (815) 403-8411
McHenry County, IL -- Green Party candidate Scott Summers will announce his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives at a 1:30 p.m. press conference on Saturday, September 22, 2007. The event will take place at the Keeling-Puri Peace Plaza in northeastern Rockford. (The Plaza is just southeast of the intersection of Perryville Road and Riverside
Summers, an attorney and community college trustee from rural Harvard, will face Republican incumbent Donald Manzullo and the eventual winner of the Democratic primary for the 16th Congressional seat. The district covers greater Rockford and far northwestern Illinois.
"The nation demands bold thinking and smart solutions," Summers says. "It's time for a fresh start."
Summers' platform includes an expedited military withdrawal from Iraq, coupled with a massive aid program for displaced civilians and refugees and redoubled efforts to provide health care and employment opportunities for war veterans and their families.
Scott promotes common-sense fiscal and trade policies and reconfigured health care and education systems. "We need to put people first," he says. "The key to economic prosperity is a skilled and healthy workforce."
His "microcapitalism" project will help start and grow local businesses. "Home-grown jobs won't be outsourced," Summers asserts.
Scott advocates for personal responsibility. "The turn-around work I do in Washington will merely set the tone," he says. "Sustained societal change means that every American gets involved in little ways every day."
Summers also has staked out views on foreign policy, civil liberties, energy, and the environment. The campaign website, www.SummersForCongress.com, contains more information.