All Too Human and None To Bright George Stephanopoulos was gas bagging on ABC's This Week today, joined by Gas Bag Dinasours on their never ending Farewell Tour (George Will, Cokie Roberts and, on drums, Sam Donaldson) and the gang decided to 'translate' John Edwards: With Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, they agreed, do you really think the country is willing to vote a "Black" (Obama is biracial) or a woman into office, they had him inferring.
Little Georgie Steph made a similar mistake last week in what tried to pass for a debate. (He made many others. C.I. offered some critiques here.) Moderating, he asked Obama about being "Black" (biracial) and Clinton about being a woman.
The bumper sticker above is from the Bill Richardson campaign.
Is Brown invisible?
Weren't all the gas bags (after the news media got the Latino vote in the 2004 election wrong -- Bully Boy did not gain votes, he stayed more or the less same) talking about the emerging Latino population in this country?
Richardson's official bio tells readers:
Bill Richardson was born on November 15, 1947 in Pasadena, California to William Richardson and Maria Luisa Lopez-Collada. William Richardson was a banker who had been working in Mexico City for decades and he settled his family there shortly after Bill's birth.
Growing up in Mexico City, Bill Richardson experienced a unique blend of American and Mexican cultures. His parents wanted to make sure their children were proud of both their countries and felt comfortable in both cultures and languages. Hamburgers and hotdogs were served on the Fourth of July, and parties were held on September 16th, Mexican Independence Day.
Does the press not know how to read?
And does Georgie Steph not grasp who Richardson is? While Bill Clinton wouldn't appoint Richardson to a post (US ambassador to the United Nations) until 1997, Richardson, then a member of the House of Representatives, often worked with the Clinton White House which does include the time period furball George was a part of the administration. Or maybe Georgie Steph spent all those years confusing Richardson with Henry Cisneros?
Saturday, The Washington Post published a column by Richardson entitled "Why We Should Exit Iraq Now" where he addressed Iraq:
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards have suggested that there is little difference among us on Iraq. This is not true: I am the only leading Democratic candidate committed to getting all our troops out and doing so quickly.
In the most recent debate, I asked the other candidates how many troops they would leave in Iraq and for what purposes. I got no answers. The American people need answers. If we elect a president who thinks that troops should stay in Iraq for years, they will stay for years -- a tragic mistake.
Clinton, Obama and Edwards reflect the inside-the-Beltway thinking that a complete withdrawal of all American forces somehow would be "irresponsible." On the contrary, the facts suggest that a rapid, complete withdrawal -- not a drawn-out, Vietnam-like process -- would be the most responsible and effective course of action.
We're not endorsing anyone. We are noting that in an election cycle where gender and bi-racial firsts are trumpeted and churned into endless chatter, a Latino is running for the Democratic presidential nomination and the press appears to be ignoring that fact. The same way they ignore the candidate's stance on Iraq.
[C.I. wants a disclosure included. C.I. knows Richardson, Biden and Clinton. C.I. and Elaine do not know but met Barack Obama at a fundraiser during his 2004 Senate race, a fundraiser where I-Was-Against-The-Illegal-War-Before-It-Started Barack spoke of how the US military could not leave Iraq.]