Eager for more fawning coverage of her latest outfits, Condi's perturbed to realize her Middle East trip and new bully plan is far less interesting to the press corps than Bully Boy's latest stunts.
It starts when he visits a basketball practice where the atheletes must be in some sort of John Tucker Must Die thong mood because they play in their drawers! Undies are just alright with Bully Boy who takes a liking to one young lad and slaps him on the butt to motivate him and then, mid-game, walks back out on the court to . . . er, polish the lad's knob.
Condi tries to smile braverly through it all, even when she has to escort the 'diplomatic' Negroponte over an athelete lying on the White House lawn. It seems like Bully Boy can't even keep his hands off his brother Jeb and everyone's talking about the wide midsections on both!
Then, for fun, Bully Boy agrees to go clubbing with GOP poster boy Bono (who performs his latest santimonous composition -- "I Saved The World Today") and decides that Denny Hastert can do without Roy the boytoy, the Congressional page (played by Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz this episode and, previously on "The First Lady Is Missing!" and on "HomoErotic X-Mas special"). Things get wet and sloppy between the Bully Boy and Roy.
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