According to Mike Howell's "U.S. army deserter ready to head home" (Toronto Star, ran on Friday), war resister Kyle Snyder "will return to the United States tomorrow [Saturday] and turn himself into the military."
Did it happen? We can't find any press coverage of it. Are we now to the point (a point that the media, big and small, have been flirting with for some time) where resistance is the tree falling in the woods? If resistance happens when no one is around, did it make a sound?
Original reports (from Courage to Resist) had Kyle Snyder returning at the first of November. Possibly, Howell was mistaken? Though possible, it hardly seems likely since Howell's spent a great deal of time covering war resisters including Kyle Snyder.
Another little reported story was noted on Friday in C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"
Meanwhile, Citizen Soldier announces the opening, today, of "the first soldiers' coffeehouse of the current Iraq war in Watertown, NY." More information can be found at Citizen Soldier and at Different Drummer, the name of the coffeehouse. It is a movement and for those wanting more information on the importance of the GI coffeehouse to a peace movement should view David Zeiger's Sir! No Sir! documentary.
With or without coverage, the movement is alive and well. We're not so sure we can say the same about media, big and small.