Monday, October 28, 2024

Open letter to Naomi Klein (Betty)

Open letter to Naomi Klein

Hey, White girl.

I'm the Democratic Party base.  I'm a Black woman.  Watching your garbage 'analysis' on DEMOCRACY NOW! (which has become a garbage show) and hearing you talk about how Muslims are the Democratic Party's base?  Honey, you don't get to be the base based upon a few elections.

Black women turn out every election for the Democratic Party and that's why we are so pissed to see the way left media is treating Kamala Harris. From DEMOCRACY NOW on down, they all want to destroy Kamala or knock her.  

And we get that, right?  Black women, we get that?  

We get that from society every day, don't we?

So it shouldn't be that surprising to us that Naomi Klein, Amy Goodman and so many others are trashing Kamala and insulting her.  That's how they really treat us, let's be honest.

Want to make a story about police brutality the least covered?  Kill a Black girl or a Black woman.  

George Floyd?  Society will take to the streets.  And should.  But find the same outcry when it's a Black woman.

White girl, Naomi, I see you.

I remember your garbage when Barack Obama was running for president and you went around talking about how important this was because he was a Black man.  Then you wrote that insulting column where you tried to speak for Black voters. You didn't try to speak to Black voters, mind you.  That would have required you recognizing us as people.  So instead, being a White Jew who apparently knew no Black people, you just watched some Black people the night of the election, from across a busy street and then, in all your Whiteness, you wrote a column telling your peers what these Black people felt and thought.

Again, you never spoke to them.  But why would you need to?  You, Queen White woman, know everything.

Here's what I know, a Black woman's running for president and you have no praise and only offer attacks.

A Black woman's running for president and you're blaming her and using your racism and your sexism to attack her.

You're not a feminist, Naomi.  You're a political woman.  That's not the same as feminism.

You need to check your Whiteness and you need to stop insulting Black women.  We're not playing with you, Snow Princess.  I noticed when you listed your Canadian notion of the US's Democratic Party base, you didn't include Black women.  Rather telling, dontcha think? 

"Iraq snapshot" (THE COMMON ILLS):

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