Whenever I come across the name Margaret Talev, I make a
point to pay attention. Why? As Ava and C.I. have repeatedly pointed
out here and at THE COMMON ILLS, she's the one that gets no credit.
Talev was part of the truth squad at KNIGHT RIDDER -- the ones who
didn't just do stenography in the lead up to the Iraq War. But the Bill
Moyers of this world rendered her invisible and just focused on the
bro-cest of Jonathan Landay and Warren Strobel. That pathetic
relationship would implode during the presidency of Barack Obama. But
the record would never be fixed to add Talev's name to the list of those
who did actual journalism.
So I was reading up on Joe Biden's speech and it being seen as divisive (after I read
Ava and C.I.'s latest) and came across
Axios managing editor and CNN analyst Margaret Talev suggested Biden's speech was intentionally "divisive."
sure she's right. I'm also sure that the president of the United
States is supposed to be the president of America and not just some of
That's before you
factor in that this president was supposed to be a uniter. I'm tired of
it. His speech was divisive. It was not fit for a president. That's
before you factor in his using the Marines as props in this speech.
You're not supposed to politicize the military. Joe Biden owes the
American people an apology.
But put that on a long list of things that Joe Biden owes Americans.
list would include an apology for lying about having no knowledge of
Hunter Biden's business dealings (his corrupt business dealings), an
apology for the way he lied about Tara Reade, an apology for his assault
of Tara Reade, an apology for his failure with regards to COVID 19, an
apology for his failure to properly prepare for monkeypox, an apology
for the way he has ignored the residents of Jackson, Mississippi while
they have suffered without water . . .
It's a long, long list.
his failures are proof that we do not need to ever again elect someone
his age to be president. He is too old. He lacks energy, he lacks
mental fitness. His vanity run has cost the country dearly. He should
probably start his apologies with one for how he's harmed the country.