"Iraq: Failed follow ups and whining that bombs are..." -- most requested highlight of the week by readers of this site.
"Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. reports on a Congressional hearing.
"Idiot of the week: AJ Delgado" -- Mike calls it.
"Cameron Crowe's full of s**t," "Tomorrowland," "elizabeth banks," "Clooney can't carry a film," "Spy makes clear Kristen Wiig is lucky, not funny" -- Kat, Betty, Rebecca and Stan talk film.
"Aquarius" and "Gilmore Girls" -- TV coverage.
"That useless Bob Somerby" -- Ruth breaks it down.
"Melissa Manchester," "Soul Kiss (Olivia Newton-John and Barry Gibb)," "Welcome back,"
"Janet's returning" and "She's back" -- Kat, Mike, Stan and Trina talk music.
"Symbolic Value" -- Isaiah dips into the archives.
"Glen Ford on Bernie Fake Ass Sanders," "Rand Paul," "Well look who's lying now," "those crazy bernie sanders groupies," "Whore of the week," "No independent media," "Bernie and DC Blogger, the rape apologists," "The Bernie Sanders Bordello," "The Fake Assery," "They break, they do not build," "Joshua Frank has some advice," "Excellent points," "The fake ass distraction," "Bruce Dixon on fake-ass Bernie Sanders" and "who are the fools supporting bernie sanders?" -- community coverage of Bernie Sanders.
"O'Malley" -- we know who Ann's supporting.
"Margaret Griffis frequently bothers me" -- Trina tells a truth.
"She's no bachelor" and "THIS JUST IN! CRANKY SAYS IT TAKES A DOORMAT!" -- Cedric and Wally on Cranky.