Let us be clear, if that is possible, about President Obama’s plan to
deal with ISIS, the boogeyman of America’s own making. The president
last week swore that he would “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State,
after having spent three years providing weapons and money to jihadists
fighters, including ISIS, in hopes that they would “degrade and
ultimately destroy” the Syrian state of president Bashar Assad. So, the
Americans set out to destroy one state, in Syria, whose government had
never presented any danger to the U.S., and wind up creating another
state, a caliphate astride the borders of Syria and Iraq, that openly
declares its intention to do battle with the U.S.
Obama assures us that he is assembling a new coalition of the willing to
join him in smashing ISIS. It turns out that every prospective member
of the coalition was a co-conspirator with the United States in giving
birth to ISIS – Britain and France and other Europeans, Turkey, Saudi
Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates...ISIS has many, many
fathers, all of whom now deny patrimony.
-- Glen Ford, "Who's Your Daddy, ISIS?" (Black Agenda Report).