Senator Patty Murray (above being presented with an honor by MOPH National Commander Bruce McKenty) is the Chair of the Senate Budget Committee. Her office notes an honor she received last week:
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
CONTACT: Murray Press Office
(202) 224-2834
Senator Murray Honored by Military Order of the Purple Heart
Recognized for leadership and distinguished service to our nation's veterans
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Patty
Murray (D-WA) was presented the Inspirational Leadership Award by the Military
Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) during a private ceremony in her Capitol Hill
offices. MOPH National Commander Bruce McKenty presented this year’s award to
Senator Murray which read:
“Since being
elected to the Senate in 1992, Senator Patty Murray has consistently served as
an advocate for veterans, military members and their
“Having been
raised in the family of a disabled World War II veteran, she came to the Senate
fully understanding the sacrifices, as well as the physical and emotional scars
the veterans bring home with them.
Murray was the first female Senator to serve on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs
Committee and serves as its Chair in the 112th Congress. She has
consistently been a tireless advocate for all veterans.
“She led the
battle for increased funding for veterans’ healthcare and increased benefits,
and profoundly recognized the importance of specialized programs for veterans
suffering from TBI and PTSD.
Murray continues to support education and employment opportunities, better
health care for women veterans and a myriad of other programs that she believes
America owes its veterans.
Murray’s service reflects great credit upon herself, the United States Senate
and the United States of America.”
The organization
now known as the "Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A. Inc.," was
formed in 1932 for the protection and mutual interest of all who have received
the decoration. Chartered by the Congress, The MOPH is unique among Veteran
Service Organizations in that all its members were wounded in combat. For this
sacrifice, they were awarded the Purple Heart Medal.
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Meghan Roh
Press Secretary | New Media
Office of U.S. Senator Patty
Mobile: (202) 365-1235
Office: (202) 224-2834
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