Sunday, October 26, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- Most requested highlight, C.I.'s "I Hate The War" which addresses the refusal to stnad up on the part of 'leaders.'

"Eve makes an impression" -- No, it wasn't a dream as some readers of Betty's site expected or hoped. Thomas Friedman has a new love, it's Eve Ensler. And, yes, this is sticking to the outline. Barring any problems, Betty expects to be able to wrap Betinna's story up in December. After that? She's not sure.

"Thanksgiving in the Kitchen" -- The economy sucks and that doesn't mean that millions of families will not have to gather for the traditional American holidays. Trina's advising those facing financial problems to plan early, to save early and to shop early.

"THIS JUST IN! JEFF'S BUDDY VOUCHES FOR BARACK!" and "First Scott fell for Jeff, now for Barack" -- Wally and Cedric break down Scott McClellan's 'needed' and 'valued' endorsement.

"Nader and bye-bye Patti" -- Mike speaks for many and also creates a problem for this site as he drops hints ("continues to drop hints," Jim says) about what's to come here after the election. Regardless, this was a popular post with a lot of support behind it.

"Mini-snapshot" -- This was Ruth's Friday post and this is what she's planning to do each Friday. News come out of Iraq slowly on Fridays. Ruth plans to do an update re: Iraq news since C.I.'s Friday snapshot. It may be a few brief items or it may be something more if Iraq actually makes the news.

"Audrey Hepburn, Carly Simon" -- Halloween's next Friday. Kat covers that and other topics and for the guy who e-mailed Kat that he looked up the lyrics to Carly Simon's "We Just Got Here" online and the section Kat quotes is not part of the song! -- yes, it is. Try listening to the song. Carly sings it as the song winds down.

"Shannon Joyce Prince on Tim Wise" -- Marcia continues covering the subject of how White 'helpers' hurt her community.

"Howard's 'Zehn'"-- Elaine adds her voice to those calling out Howard Zinn.

"ralph nader, sarah palin, cynthia mckinney" -- Rebecca joins C.I. ("Iraq snapshot") in calling out the crap NPR offered on Talk of the Nation last week.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Barack's Wipings" -- Isaiah's hilarious comic from last Sunday.

"Senator Biden needs to stop lying" -- Ruth cllas out Senator Biden for lying and also points out how overdue a haircut is for Biden.

"Nader, Acorn, etc" and "ACORN " -- Marcia continues calling out ACORN.

"Amy Goodman hisses" and "THIS JUST IN! HISSES FROM THE CATTY GIRL!"

"special-needs children in the spotlight" -- Rebecca highlighting the MINIMAL press coverage of Governor Sarah Palin's address on special-needs children.

"There will be no second stimulus check this year" -- Ruth ("following on the heels of Trina and C.I.'s work," she says) points out the obvious: No second stimulus check in 2008.

"Ralph and Glo & Ro" -- a very popular post by Elaine; however, not her most popular. Hold on for that.

"Chuck, Nader, Abeer" -- Mike breaks down the latest episode of Chuck, talks Nader and Abeer.

"Pringle's only the first purge" -- Kat explains what we might need to expect.

"Isaiah, Dashboard, Third" -- Jim notes Mike's post which includes the break-down of last week's Third edition (see Elaine's "Monday thoughts" for her take).

"The Common Ills" -- The surprise. 31 readers of this site wrote in asking that Elaine's post (two or three weeks old) be highlighted again. Ty passed that on and we're highlighting it again.
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