Monday, June 13, 2022

Ava on the hideous Matriarchist Michele Dauber

Ava filled in at Ann's site on Friday and we're reposting it:

Michele Dauber, let's play your game (Ava)

Ava here, filling in for Ann.  If you read many things in the community, you know I'm a Latina.

No, AOC, not LatinX.  


Michele Dauber is an Anglo-White woman who has taken to attacking Camille Vasquez because that's what the Matriarchy does.

As C.I. and I noted in HILDA'S MIX two weeks ago, it was so very cute the way Camille was being attacked.  She was a woman and she was attacked for this.  She was betraying feminism, according to the Matriarchy.

Johnny was suspect, the Matriarchy insisted, for having a woman on his team.

But, as C.I. and I pointed out, Amber Heard wasn't called out for having a woman on her team or, for that matter, for having men on her team.  

The Matriarchy -- excuse me, the Anglo White Matriarchy -- had no problem with that.  They only had a problem with the Latina.

That's how it goes, by the way, they let their hatred for 'the other' loose.  The Matriarchy is as pathetic and as limited as the Patriarchy.  As a feminist, I reject them both.

Camille did an excellent job and deserve praise for what she did.

Michele Dauber -- a very repulsive person (and I don't just mean physically ugly, although she is) -- instead attacks Camille because, well, what's a Karen going to do?

Amber Heard is a cheap liar who couldn't even keep her own lies straight during the trial.  

But Michele wants to stan for her -- of course she does, this is the anti-democratic Matriarch who doesn't feel an accuser should have to face the accused.

What world are you living in because it sounds like something out of THE CRUCIBLE.

Shame on you.


And now I'm going to show you, Michele, what you're doing.  I'm going to show you by doing it to you. 

How many lies have to told, Michele?

Was your daughter really 25 in 2008?  I'm not saying she wasn't.  Just seems strange that you didn't marry Ken Dauber until 1997 yet Amanda Dauber was 25 in 2008.  I was told, maybe true, maybe false, that Ken wasn't her father.  That it's a man you knew earlier.  That you public presentation of Ken as Amanda's father was insulting to the actual father.

Is that true, Michele?  Care to comment.

Here's the other thing, dear, I have a child.

And my child's not going to commit suicide because I wasn't there for her.

You don't like to talk about Amanda's suicide.  So maybe you shouldn't speak publicly.

I'm told you worked very hard on your career.  And that Amanda was left alone and isolated.

That would explain the suicide, wouldn't it?

Don't like what I'm writing?  I don't like you attacking Camille.

Also, as a mother, I don't need to hear the opinions of a woman who failed her own daughter but wants to judge others.  

Now children do take their own lives.  

And it doesn't have to be the parent's fault at all.

But if the child was neglected?  

I think the parent needs to take responsibility.

You got multiple degrees from 1991 to 2003.  Must have been a lot of work.  And you also clerked during that time period.  And you were a 'fellow' here and there as well.  You were so very busy.  

Must have been hard for Amanda.  

Again, suicide happens for any number of reasons.  But if you want to put Camille on trial in the court of public opinion, I'm happy to put you on trial there as well. 

It's cute the way the parents who abandon their children later want to pretend that the suicide happened for reasons other than their own failures as parents.

Judy Collins, for example.  As C.I. and I have noted -- see "Trapped in an AA meeting with Judy Collins (Ava and C.I.)"  she doesn't want to take responsibility for Clark's suicide and she's written her own biographies, changed details, to run from her responsibility.  Not all that surprising when you grasp that's what she did with Clark.  She ran from her responsibilities as a mother.  She sure had an exciting life didn't she -- and she sure thinks she was a hot piece of ass and wants you to believe she was.  Maybe if she'd slept around less, maybe if she'd stayed at home and not farmed Clark out to a house keeper and then to military school, maybe if she'd been around he wouldn't have felt so much depression and so isolated.

So, Michele, if you want to attack a strong Latina woman named Camille, this Latina woman named Ava is inviting you to get honest about how you failed your own daughter.

Of course, you could always just stop attacking Camille.

Whatever you do, don't think you're fooling anyone with your pretense to be a feminist.  You're part of the Matriarchy and that's just the flip side of Patriarchy.

In other words, you're pathetic.

C.I. and I have covered the lies of Amber Heard repeatedly but, if you want our most recent take, "Media: Justice for everybody" went up earlier this week.

This is C.I.'s  "Iraq snapshot" for Thursday: