Sunday, May 11, 2008

A note to our readers

Hey --
Happy Mother's Day.

Were it not for this being that day, we would have been finished before sunrise. Not joking. All but one feature was written. How we stayed on track, no one knows. But the promise was that we'd stop by four-thirty EST and regroup this afternoon. That would give people time to sleep and to do Mother's Day activities. I really wanted to say, at four-thirty EST, "If we gave thirty more minutes, we wouldn't have to regroup, everything would be done." But I felt they'd all curse me out. ("I" is me, Jim.)

Thank you to everyone starting with Dallas and including:

The Third Estate Sunday Review's Dona, Jess, Ty, Ava and Jim,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,

Here's what we got:

Biggest crap of the week -- Why go with a truest when Donna Brazile seems bound and determined to make one hateful remark after another until she's run everyone out of the Democratic Party? We don't think she necessarily hates the entire world, we think it's more likely she's been told there will be a buffet at the DNC convention in Colorado this August and Big Momma's Mouth is scared she might have to share.

Editorial: Bye-bye Cynthia McKinney -- We don't waste our time following the campaigns of those in a race declaring (before they've even received the nomination) that they're not winning to run. We're not wasting our time. Our time matters. You're not running to win, we're not interested in your campaign.

TV: Tiny Tots -- Ava and C.I. and this differs from the print version (which ran minus one feature) in that there's an additional paragraph. When they finished it and I read it out loud, Elaine said, "What about those comments you'd made about that Marvin Gaye special?" They said if there was time, they'd add it in. (There was time.) This is a very funny piece by Ava and C.I. and they pull in Big Shots only because longterm viewers are asking about entertainment shows. (They're fine with a mix, they're fun with just public affairs but they point out that since the writers strike ended there hasn't been one TV commentary that focused only on entertainment television. Ava and C.I. ask, "What are we supposed to review? There's one show currently airing that we haven't reviewed and we are trying to wait for the cancellation to be announced.")

Barack's message to veterans "Get lost" -- No wonder Donna Brazile loves Barack Obama, he's just like her! Maybe Pretty Words are really Ugly Words when they never have any action behind them? We think so. We think they're called "lies." In this feature article, you'll notice the appearence of text jokes on colorful paper. What's going on? We were thinking about visuals earlier last week and tossing out different ideas. Wally and C.I. came up with the idea of, like Laugh In, running text visuals. They are in this feature article and pop up and others below as well. They're for laughs and to break up the articles. Thanks to Wally and C.I. for coming up with it and thanks to Laugh In for inspiring it. (Laugh In is the TV show that featured many comedians including Lily Tomlin and Goldie Hawn who made their names originally on that program.)

Roundtable -- The roundtable ran pretty smoothly. (Dona jokes -- I think she's joking -- that's because I was a topic so frequently.) The illustration of the roundtable is done by Betty's eldest son. We use that illustration for the roundtables and I didn't note that in the transcript. Hope I noted it was a "rush transcript."

The 527 of the Democratic Party (it's Green) -- If you disagre with this article -- and you're free to -- take it up with Green 'leadership.' All they have to do is prove us wrong by stopping the nonsense of 'safe state strategy' and 'I'm only running for 5% of the vote' and most of all allowing their members to repeatedly write articles that not only ignore the Green Party but also build up Barack and tear down Hillary. If they're really Greens, they've got no business fluffing for any candidate in another party. In case they missed it, they are a TINY party and they need all the attention and votes they can get. Instead, they waste their time in the Barack fan club.

Remember Otto? The Nation appears to forget -- Yes, Virginia, The Nation always published Communists. They just made them step into the political closet.

Yes, they really are that stupid -- Air Berman -- one of The Nation's No-Stars Airs. Air Boredom (thanks C.I., but why didn't you think of that earlier!). They really are stupid.

Happy Mothers Day -- Campaign news.

Highlights -- Ruth, Rebecca, Marcia, Kat, Elaine, Betty, Wally, Cedric and Mike wrote this and picked highlights unless otherwise noted. We thank them for this.

That's it. See you next Sunday. Happy Mothers Day.

-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.