Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A note to our readers

Hey --

Late Sunday.

Let's thank all who participated this edition which includes Dallas and the following:

The Third Estate Sunday Review's  Ava, 
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Trina of Trina's Kitchen,
Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends,

and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub.

 What did we come up with?

Adam Johnson gets a truest.

Andre Damon gets a truest.

We look at how even basic statistics prove to be too much for a network news department that would rather just use WIKIPEDIA as a source than do actual fact checking.

We (Ava and C.I.) did this as a top ten list.  Stan, Rebecca, Trina and Ann joined us to work on the edition after this post went up at THE COMMON ILLS (and we thank them for it).  They suggested 23 shows for 2023 and added to this ist.

We asked Stan to join us for this piece and he thankfully did.

She really needs professional hep -- and we don't just mean a better agent.

Repost from the UK SOCIALIST WORKER (Ann found this).

Rebecca found this.


We asked Trina to find a video to highlight and she selected this one.

 What we listened to while working on this edition.



--  Ava and C.I.