Tuesday, May 02, 2023


 Jim: Roundtable time again. .  Remember our e-mail address is thethirdestatesundayreview@yahoo.com.  Participating in our roundtable are  The Third Estate Sunday Review's Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava, and me, Jim; Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude; Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man; C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review; Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills); Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix; Mike of Mikey Likes It!; Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz); Ruth of Ruth's Report;  Wally of The Daily Jot;  Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends; Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub. Betty's kids did the illustration. You are reading a rush transcript.
Jim (Con't_: So this is about the crazies and there sure are a lot of them.  We're documenting these nut jobs on our "hate merchants" list.  They are a danger to themselves and others.  Ty, pick a name at random?

Ty: John Stauber.

Ruth: Has any day, any hour, any minute ever pleased John Stauber?  I am serious.  If I was that miserable, I would just kill myself.  

Rebecca: But if he did that, Ruth, how would he be able to make others miserable?

Elaine: He used to have some value but now he sounds deranged and, stealing from C.I., "frankly a little unhinged."

Stan: He's the little kid in THE SIXTH SENSE only he says, "I see George Soros people."

Jim: What is the obsession with George Soros?  I don't get it.

Jess: It is anti-Semitism?  

Dona: He seems very concerned -- overly concerned -- with where Soros' money goes.  And to be clear, we're not a Soros site.  We don't cite Soros.  We're not fans.  But John Stauber is obsessed with Soros.

Rebecca: My guess is that the breakup took John by surprise and he never thought George would leave him for another, certainly not someone younger.  Now he's gone full Katha Pollitt and is probably stalking Soros as well.

Wally: I know you're joking but they did have a 'breakup.'  Stauber prefers to pretend like it didn't happen but he took Soros money once upon a time in the '00s.  

Marcia: And he can't get enough of Susan "Medea" Benjamin whose Global Exchange was also funded by George Soros.

Rebecca: Maybe Soros pulled a Harvey Weinstein and cornered John in a hotel room, asked for a massage, dropped the bathrobe and, as John placed his hands on George's shoulders, George said, "No, massage the sore spot, it's the spot sticking out from my groin"?  

Ruth: He is just an old bitter man who has no clue of how deranged he looks. I counted last week and, in one three hour period, he Tweeted sixteen times about George Soros -- sixteen times -- and his alleged secret plot to control the media, the world and, I am guessing, Mr. Stauber's bowel movements.  He truly comes across unhinged.

Ty: Let me try to make this like a lightening round, Tara Reade!

Isaiah: Big girl got some big bones on her.  You know she's miserable by the fact that she's put on even more weight.  Someone needs to talk to her about the damage the weight's doing to her health.

Cedric: Okay, but it can't be John Stauber. 

Wally: He'd hash-tag it #Sorosfunded.

Dona: She's just pathetic.  Her hatred over what was allegedly done to her in the 90s and then what was done to her when she came forward has colored her perceptions.  If you had spoken to her in 2019, she would have decried homophobia and transphobia and racism.  But now she mixes online with her new homophobic, transphobic and racists friends.  What a sad, sad ending.  She's Jane Roe!  

Ava: She probably is which means she'll boomarang back and forth repeatedly over the next years.  I'm with Betty, enough.  She's gone to the dark side and I have no need to support or defend her anymore.  She brought a lot of this on herself by being so damn stupid.  C.I. declared when Alyssa came forward, 'Wake up, TimesUp is trashing you behind your back.'  But she was too stupid to know that.  

Kat: She really is stupid.  I don't like people like that.  There always -- Tulsi Gabbard -- looking for a guru to guide them and they adopt whatever someone else believes as they flit from group to group.  

Ty: Glenneth Greenwald!

Marcia: Glenneth's ex told us that Glenneth didn't clean back there -- called him "a lazy bottom."  That tracks.

Mike: In fairness to him, people wrongly celebrated him as a leftist.  C.I. would point out, year after year, he's a right-wing libertarian.  He did try to pose as something else, especially when he was doing his campaigning -- that's what it was -- for Barack Obama in 2008.  He was never a figure worth praising.  He was a second-rate legal mind and that's probably why he avoids doing anything legal now -- even legal opinions in his work.

Jess: And it's definitely why he was too stupid to file a lawsuit against THE INTERCEPT for breach of contract.  

Marcia: I just can't stand a gay man who embraces homophobes and treats them as heroes.  He's disgusting.  But, as we've been told, that's how he was in college.  I loved his 'friend' in the roundtable last month who noted that what C.I. had been writing about Glenneth in college nailed it.  And it really does make sense.  A pathetic wimp who tried to strut and preen and macho-up -- I bet that was hilarious to see -- to fit in with the right-wingers who hated gays.  What a pathetic and sad man.

Elaine: I think it needs to be noted that when he broke with THE INTERCEPT -- and only when he broke with it -- he was suddenly eager to pin exposing Reality Winner and others on other people at THE INTERCEPT.  I don't believe for a minute that he wasn't involved in that.  I also don't believe he was working in the public interest when he allowed his billionaire sugar daddy Pierre Omidyar to have the Ed Snowden documents.

Rebecca: Woah-woah-woah!  Elaine, I forgot about that. I mean, I remember it happening.  But in terms of Glenneth today.  This really needs to be noted.  His buddy Aaron Matte has written about how Pierre is in bed with the CIA and funding regime change by working with USAID and all that other stuff.  But stop for a moment and look at the Tweets Glenneth's been posting of late like this one:

Both CNN and NBC/MSNBC have their payrolls stuffed with former operatives of the US Security State (the career path is CIA/FBI/NSA/DoD ---> NBC/CNN contract). *All their hosts* are loyalists of US foreign policy and wars.

Rebecca (Con't): I'm sorry but what's the difference between that and Glenneth's former sugar daddy Pierre Omidyar?  There is none. He's whining about censorship but Glenneth helped Pierre censor the Snowden documents.  And Glenneth was perfectly happy to work -- for years -- for Pierre.  Now he acts as though he's pure -- and still has his cherry attached.

Ty: Okay, I'm laughing at that.  But, yeah, 2019, February of 2019, Matte's GREY ZONE published about this topic, "How tech oligarch Pierre Omidyar funds regime-change" and it's not until October of 2020 that Glenneth resigns. 

Rebecca: Exactly.  Talk about con artists.  He's decrying others for doing what he did for years.  What a con artist.

Ty: Jonathan Turley!

Ann: Hearing that name, my reaction is the same as Lily Tomlin's Agnes when her grandparents say "cake" -- I just want to scream.  

Mike: He really is something.  And you have to wonder how deep he goes.  He's a right-winger now, there's no denying it.  Ava and C.I. did that analysis of his writing for POLLY'S BREW where it had gone from him claiming to be a Democrat to his change to he was raised by Democrats.  He's a right-winger.  But when did the transformation begin?  I ask because some of the times he was wrong may have been disinformation and I do feel like he's far cozier to the people he defends than he ever lets on.

Marcia: He's so disgusting.  He lies that he cares about free speech.  But let an idiot Proud Boy threaten or attack a transgender person and Jonathan can't find the story.  Anytime the left is the victim, he's not interested.  He's just a whore for FOX "NEWS" and how sad and disgusting is that?  He had a great mind and he sold it out.  

Betty: I'm tired of his racist attacks on Black people.  It's not limited to the two lawmakers in Tennessee.  I can't believe George Washington University employs a bigot like him.  Transgender people are always his target.  He's a buffoon.  He's destroyed his own name and no one will mourn him when he dies.  In fact, God, if you're listening right now, feel free to take him, we're done with him here on earth.  

Ty: You're suggesting he'll get to heaven?

Betty: I'm trying to be generous.

Ava: I'll note that if you think what we're saying is tough on him, you should hear how the people who work with him speak.  I don't mean at FOX "NEWS." I'm talking at George Washington University.  He is hated there now.  That will only intensify as his remarks continue to damage the university.   

Jim: C.I. any comment?

C.I.: Not really.  Ava and I have worked on a similar issue with regards to Princeton and, before that, I was part of a team steering away Harvard donations over a faculty issue.  These are never week plans.  This a long term strategy with many splinter points splitting off.  That's also only one target of our bring-the-pain campaign.  

Elaine: He's a ridiculous hate merchant.  I do anything I can in any way and have also accessed my friends to ensure that there is pain.

Jim: And you two were face to face with Barack Obama when he was doing his Senate run.

Elaine: Right and I know why you're bringing that up.  Big money event and our friends invited us for that reason.  Yes, it is a pricey circle and yes we are a tight knit group.  Turley's not part of that group.  It takes nothing to turn your friends against Turley.  He's not part of that world.  What we are doing will seriously limit the access he has beyond his small trash heap.  

Marcia: He's a bigot.  I hope the pain is brought and it reduces him to tears.  In 2023, to be promoting homophobia and transphobia?  Outrageous.  

Ty: Tulsi Gabbard?

Mike: The original fake ass.  Read my mom's "Crazy Tulsi Gabbard" and "Ham with Pineapple Salsa in the Kitchen."

Trina: It is shocking that anyone would listen to that nutcase.  It's also shocking the remarks she makes -- especially about her commander-in-chief since she's in the reserves.  I'm surprised she hasn't been brought up on charges.

Jim: And on that note, we'll go ahead and wind down.  This is a rush transcript.