Monday, August 15, 2022

We can get behind that

A lot of things Senator Rand Paul proposes are things we can't get behind; however, there is one new proposal we can support. Merdie Nzanga (USA TODAY) reports:

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Saturday called for the end of the Espionage Act, less than a week after the FBI's search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home.

"The espionage act was abused from the beginning to jail dissenters of WWI. It is long pastime to repeal this egregious affront to the 1st Amendment," he wrote on Twitter.

On Aug. 8, FBI agents took 11 sets of classified documents, according to the search warrant and a property receipt, both of which were released Friday. Some documents were labeled as "secret" or "top secret." The warrant showed the investigation was examining possible violations of the Espionage Act.

That's a move we can support.  It is useless.  The verdict is commonly (and wrongly) referred to as the you-can't-yell-fire-in-a-crowded-theater ruling.  And it is abused.  Julian Assange, for example, an Australian citizen is being accused of breaking the Espionage Act.  It's time to end that act and all the nonsense that came with it.