Monday, August 15, 2022

Jim's World


Last week, we had a plenty solid edition here at THIRD:



 Now all of the above, except for the Curiosity one (a NASA press release) were written by Ava and C.I. (or, in the case of 2022 Deaths, updated by them).  

Reader Ed e-mailed wondering when Ava and C.I. can -- and do -- write four pieces for one edition, the rest of us can't get it together enough to do a full edition?

Good question, maybe this edition will show you the answer.  We're publishing.  At least two pieces are rough and more ideas than pieces -- though Dona points out that she's always championed "Short pieces" and she has.

The only thing I regret about last week was that Ava and C.I. published the Armie Hammer piece two days after the other stuff.  My argument was that it should be held until this week.  I even pointed out that with that piece already done, they could finally take a weekend off.

They took a pass.

They were right to do so.  Armie was being crucified even by the so-called respectable press.  As two who had seen the 'documentary,' they were able to weigh in and to note that it wasn't explosive or new or anything with regards to Armie.  

It's an episode of A CURRENT EDITION.  It's not journalism.  It's cheap and it's tacky and it's people who are rehashing what's already been hashed and rehashed and then some.  There are real stories out there, but this is just scandal mongering and it's really past time that this sort of garbage be seen for what it is: Gossip and, in this case, stale gossip.  Not truth.  Not reporting.  Just a bunch of rumors -- rumors that the LAPD investigated and found wanting.