Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Editorial: Bye Tulsi

After last week's debate, "Bye, Tulsi" should be the new "Bye, Felecia."

For any who missed last Wednesday's debate, tough posing Tulsi dropped to the floor like a bad can of ravioli.

She had the chance to hold Joe Biden accountable and she didn't.  She spoke platitudes and then Joe spoke lies.  Moderator Jake Tapper gave her a chance to speak again and she offered nonsense.

You either call out a War Hawk or you don't.

Tulsi didn't.  She played pathetic little girl on the stage.

She has raised money off speaking out against the forever wars.  She has raised money calling out the politicians who start and continue these wars.

Wednesday night, she was on stage with one and couldn't and wouldn't say a word.

She choked?

She choked or she showed her true colors.

On Thursday, she was telling THE HILL that Joe Biden said he was wrong to vote for the Iraq War and that was good enough for her.

Is she unable to manage cognitive thought or is she just a whore?

The only "wrong" Joe has offered was that he was wrong to have trusted Bully Boy Bush.

Tulsi is a fake ass.

People donating to her campaign -- people, we're not talking about her donations from the defense industry -- have done so at times not because they thought she stood a chance at becoming president or even the nominee but because they thought it was important to have a strong anti-war voice on stage.

Last Wednesday night, she made clear that wasn't her.

So why the hell is she still on the stage?

She's offering nothing and she's doing nothing and despite all the publicity she got from defending Joe Biden and going after Kamala Harris, nothing changed for her in terms of support.

This afternoon, the latest Quinnipiac University National Poll was released.

She's still at 1%.

Repeating, she's still at 1%.

Still.  At.  1%.

Only 1% of Americans support her.

She's a joke.  She's a dirty joke and she made herself that by refusing to hold Joe Biden accountable in the debate and by then lying for him to THE HILL.

There are real candidates fighting to deliver the United States a better future -- Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are two examples.  And they shouldn't have to share time with losers who have no support and who have no shot at getting support.

Tulsi got a tidal wave of attention because of her whoring in the debates -- the media will always shine a spotlight on you if you don't call out war.  It didn't do a damn thing to boost her pitiful poll numbers.

She's a fake ass and she exposed herself.  It's time for her to go.  She should focus on her being re-elected to Congress before it's too late.