Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A note to our readers

Hey --

Tuesday.  A day earlier than last week.

Let's thank all who participated this edition which includes Dallas and the following:

The Third Estate Sunday Review's Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess and Ava,
Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude,
Betty of Thomas Friedman Is a Great Man,
C.I. of The Common Ills and The Third Estate Sunday Review,
Kat of Kat's Korner (of The Common Ills),
Mike of Mikey Likes It!,
Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz),
Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix,
Ruth of Ruth's Report,
Wally of The Daily Jot,
Trina of Trina's Kitchen,
Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends,
Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts,
and Ann of Ann's Mega Dub.

And what did we come up with?

Andre Damon gets another truest.
As does Cindy Sheehan.
The war drags on, when do people start to notice?
Ava and C.I. take on the weak offerings of late.
We pick Cary Grant's best films.
As Rebecca said, "Clumped on mascara and too much lipstick took 300 hours last year?  Caked on foundation that only emphasized her wrinkles took 300 hours last year?"
Goes to Margaret Kimberley.
I am being sarcastic here.  I do love GUNGA DIN -- and did vote for it -- but this is me channeling my inner Hillary.
Ava and C.I. wrote two pieces this week.
What we listened to while writing.
Iraq with nuclear material?
WSWS is a great resource.
This is from Great Britain's Socialist Worker.
Press release from Senator Johnny Isakson.
Mike and the gang wrote this and we thank them for it.

See you next week.


-- Jim, Dona, Ty, Jess, Ava and C.I.