Sunday, April 22, 2012

You are what you eat?

When Paula Dean, TV chef with a mini-empire, announced she had Type 2 diabetes, there were more than a few pieces slamming the woman.  We kept silent and that was, in part, due to the fact that we didn't know who she was until a dog pile was taking place.

And while there really doesn't seem to be a need to say ha-ha look what happened to someone who ate and promoted unhealthy food, there also really doesn't seem to be a need for her to continue to promote her sugary and fattening foods.

diabetes dean

We're sad that Dean has diabetes as we are when anyone develops an illness.  But maybe she'd get a little more support from others on the Food Network if she wasn't still dispensing unhealthy recipes -- foods and snacks that often provide over half the calories you need in a day and pump enough sugar into your bloodstream to make you space for the rest of the day.