Sunday, April 22, 2012

At least they didn't dash and dine

spring break columbia war on women edition

The never-ending Secret Service scandal, captured by Isaiah above in "Spring Break Columbia: War on Women Edition."  The Secret Service advance team for US President Barack Obama's trip to Columbia wanted to party a little and figured that prostitution was legal in Columbia, if not in the US, so what's the harm?

Senators Joe Lieberman and Charles Grassley are calling for a wider investigation into the scandal, Ed O'Keefe (Washington Post) reports, and various members of Congress are making statements about accountability and representation and more.  CNN notes 6 Secret Service agents have already left over the scandal and that US House Rep. Peter King is calling for all involved to be fire.

As has been repeatedly noted, the Secret Service almost got away with their wild party.  The night of there were no problems.  It was only the morning after, when an agent wanted to dispute the amount he owed that he and a sex-worker got into a loud argument and attracted the attention that widens and widens.

And, really, who can't relate to that agent who was plagued by sudden cheapness?  Who hasn't gone into a restaurant starving, ordered from the menu and chowed down . . .
