Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Racist Marie Josee Godbout

It always interests us the way some foreigners can't take their nose out of our domestic politics. We'd understand, for example, if their own houses were in order. But, take Canada, where a conservative remains in power, Prime Minister Stephen Harper. So-called lefties in Canada sure have a lot of time to stick their noses where they don't belong.

Buttinskies usually get what's coming to them eventually.

Poli Racist

Take Political Whore Marie Josee Godbout. She just knew that, as a Canadian, she knew all about Republican Herman Cain and why some Republicans (including members of the Tea Party) were backing Cain, "They hate so much Obama that some of them are ready to 'use a brother' to prove their anti-social agenda." "Use a brother"? Does Godbout think she was born in Compton?

And in North America, does it ever get Whiter than Canada?

Marie Josee Godbout wasn't done inserting her ass into her own mouth. No, she continued, "And everybody knows that being born as an Afro-american in the Deep South, you have to adjust . . . to blend in with the majority. Cain is a sell out . . ."

Did you catch that?

Blacks born in the Deep South, have to adjust, blend in, sell out, according to racist Marie.

Betty was born and raised in Georgia and she replies, "Cracker saw all that from Montreal? Did the little Cracker see all that? I can tell her my parents and their parents were born in Georgia, I can tell her all about the Black churches throughout Atlanta. I can also point out that Julian Bond is from Georgia, so were Ralph Abernathy and Nellie Peters Black. W.E.B. Du Bois was as well. As were, pay attention, Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. Little Ritz Cracker made a racist comment. Only a Cracker in Canada would think a White person ever think they could insult all Black people in the south and get away with it."

Congratulations to Marie Josee Godbout for demonstrating how deeply racist some Canadians can be. Let's hope she never becomes the face of her country.

There are many African-Americans from the Deep South who've achieved, despite Marie Josee Godbout's crackpot theory, and they include US House Rep. John Lewis, Maya Angelou, Cynthia McKinney, Lena Horne, Ray Charles, Eartha Kitt, Mary McLeod Bethune, James Brown, Lawrence Eugene Doby, Madam CJ Walker, Alonzo F. Herndon, Fannie Lou Hamer, Mary McLeod Bethune, Dr. Percy Julian, and Rosa Parks.