Sunday, May 22, 2011

Editorial: A sad and low moment

Last week in "Editorial: The Whores of Panhandle Media," we noted:

Panhandle Media is begging you for more money -- constantly. Pacifica Radio's got their hands in your pockets again, The Nation's sent out another fundraising letter, but they can't focus on what matters, now can they? No one's done more to ruin The Nation than Katrina vanden Heuvel who inherited the title of publisher when the magazine was at an all time circulation high. It is now, under her 'leadership,' at an all time low. And she has the nerve to lecture that "political elites have strayed from the will of the majority"? She who can't be bothered with Iraq?

Turns out she can't be bothered with Afghanistan either.

She or any of the other useless rags and websites of the faux left. Last week, Ted Rall broke the silence in "Rise of the Obamabots:"

The Nation and Mother Jones and Harper’s, liberal magazines that gave me freelance work under Clinton and Bush, now ignore my queries. Even when I offered them first-person, unembedded war reporting from Afghanistan. Hey, maybe they’re too busy to answer email or voicemail. You never know.

Other censors are brazen.

There’s been a push among political cartoonists to get our work into the big editorial blogs and online magazines that seem poised to displace traditional print political magazines like The Progressive. In the past, editorial rejections had numerous causes: low budgets, lack of space, an editor who simply preferred another creator’s work over yours.

Now there’ s a new cause for refusal: Too tough on the president.

I’ve heard that from enough “liberal” websites and print publications to consider it a significant trend.

Don't look for Goody Whore to cover this on Democracy Now! She can interview a playwright of tortured prose about his 'censorship' -- not receiving an honor from a university but, oops, he is going to now! -- and she can -- as did he -- that it was McCarthyism.

Neither knows a damn thing about McCarthyism.

McCarthyism is denying someone a livelihood. That's what's happening to Ted Rall.

But you won't know that from The Nation, Mother Jones or The Progressive. The same rags that are practicing McCarthyism aren't about to tell on themselves.

Remember the next time they feel the need to expound upon 'independence' and the 'power of the press' just how they neutered and spayed themselves.

All to serve a Corporatist War Hawk.

I am the war hawk you have been waiting for

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "I Am The War Hawk You Have Been Waiting For" captured it so perfectly December 1, 2009 and it still is true today.

The silence from the Cult of St. Barack continues Guantanamo, continues the Iraq War, allows Barack to be Bush III. And on top of all of that, they are now the new McCarthy-ites.

What a sad and low moment in the history of the US left.