Sunday, December 20, 2009


Well, lookie here, I-Need-Attention Benjamin had e-mailed us. The e-mail was sent out 11:50 a.m. Friday and entitled "Let's Toast to 10 Good Things About 2009!"


10 good things? Could it be true? Could number one be Medea announcing she'd finally satiated her preening ego and would be retiring from her faux activism which has led her to falsely claim many things? This is, after all, the "Democrat" of "Progressive Democrats of America" who is also a "Green." Of course, she's neither a Democrat nor a Green. But if Medea couldn't hide in closets, the world might have to look at that face even more often.

Reading over her e-mail we realized that among Medea's long list of faults is her inability to count to ten.

"Let's Toast to 10 Good Things About 2009!" she exclaimed in the e-mail's title. But she only offered four. We had to click here to read her ten -- and what a weak list.

No, she doesn't announce her retirement or even exile. Yes, she makes the usual fool out of herself. Like when she was cheering on the Afghanistan War and then tried to pretend that she'd never done any such thing.

Medea Benjamin, ladies and gentlemen, putting the stank in CODESTINK.