Sunday, June 08, 2008

Watch your back, Ralph

Ralph Nader, you've got a potential problem.

His name is "Richard." Well, he has many names.

He's been posting comments to the Nader-Gonzalez website and as long as you ignore him, no troubles. But we fear you may make the mistake of thinking he's the "average person."

He's not.

He pulled the same crap at John Edwards site and tried to at the Hillary Clinton site but they were wise to him.

You don't have to ban him, but you do have to ignore him.

"Richard" has many names. And, in fact, he's used two names already at your website. When he realizes he's gone over the top, he chooses another name. He really did a number on the John Edwards campaign -- which was stupid enough to get Punk'd but, having seen the debates, John Edwards appears to enjoy getting Punk'd.

At your website, he's already used the names "Richard" and "Joe" and he's one and the same.

When you called out Obama's hideous speech before AIPAC, he showed up as "Joe" and left this comment:

I support Nader's role of breaking the influence of corporate control over Washington, but attacking Barack on this issue is not productive towards ensuring we have a sound foreign policy. (I understand the retort that AIPAC is an example of such control, but that misses the point.) The country cannot afford John McCain's foreign policy and it's time to provide some praise to Barack for providing the possibility of change. Keep pushing on the corporate control over Washington, but do not pretend your campaign is an expert on the best foreign policy. Give Obama his due respect because he is working to change the corporate control over Washington, albeit not as strongly as Nader. p.s. Is every email I get from the Nader campaign about Obama going to be negative?

The Edwards campaign wrongly thought, "If one person is saying, many must be feeling it!" "Richard," "Joe" and all his other aliases was never going to vote for John Edwards. He's also not going to vote for you, Ralph.

He is a die-hard Obama supporter and he brags in chat rooms about his 'success' in pulling John Edwards' leash via his comments. (We won't say what sort of chat rooms. But Obama's got a 'wild' crowd.) That's what the comment was about. It wasn't to exchange ideas, it wasn't to share, it was to send a message that people think you've gone too far.

Hands off Bambi!

The message was deployed to newspapers, magazines and networks. But "Joe," "Richard," et al. took a special pride in taking it to the candidate. You need to ignore him.

If you check your thread, your real supporters aren't saying, "Ralph, you've gone too far!" They're saying, "Give 'em hell!"

They say that because, like you, they're fed up with all of it. They want real change.

We knew about "Richard" from the stunts he pulled on the Edwards' site. We know he's targeting you and recruiting others because of the chat transcript we were sent. It's really important that he come off as commanding in those chat rooms (think "Dominant," if you haven't caught to what kind of chat rooms they are). So there he was striking out in his attempts of "Any1 barely 18?" It was a long and lonely night for him. So he started typing away about "mind f**ks" and bragging about what he'd done (again, we already knew what he'd done at the Edwards site) and what he was planning for the Ralph Nader site. You got a lot of whiners to your Friday post. Where did they come from? He got 16 recruits in the sexual playroom. Obviously, not every man keeps his word because they were supposed to show up on Friday and disrupt your website. But some did show up.

Thank you to reader ___ who was in that chat room, couldn't believe his eyes as "Richard" started bragging about what he'd done and what he planned to do Ralph's site and made a point to copy the entire section of the chat room, paste in an e-mail and send it to us.

It might be a good idea for the Nader-Gonzalez website to ask everyone commenting to register. We don't normally encourage that but he was talking 'big' and bragging about how he was going to 'see this through' and, informed that he can apparently never get a date and is always online at one a.m. EST looking for 'action,' we visited the chat room this morning and, with little prompting on our part ("Horny18" was our screen name), he was again bragging about how he plans to disrupt your website. (He wanted to talk, we gave him "our" number -- a local drug store.) For any wondering, his screen name in those chat rooms is "MSTRMIGHTY." Take it with a grain of salt, but he claims to have been one of the Republicans shipped into Florida to disrupt the 2000 recounts. Whether he's one of those Republicans for Obama or just a Republican pimping Barack because he thinks that's the easiest candidate to beat, we don't know.