Sunday, June 08, 2008

Nader, McCain & Barr, pay attention

Ralph Nader, John McCain and Bob Barr, pay attention. Cynthia McKinney, feel free to take notes but we doubt it matters to you since you're not running to win the White House, just to get 5% of the vote.

Barack Obama is a liar. A well known one to anyone paying attention. Already he's tried to smear McCain as too old and the McCain camp rightly called it out. (Here for PDF, but you can also find it this article by Ava and C.I.)

His campaign likes to push the outrage. Over anything. Over everything. He's all over the map.

So your key to victory includes calling him on it when he does it. Not just calling it out, but nailing it down.

Don't believe us? Barack is not 'anti-war.' Never has been, never will be.

But he made sure to use the war against his Democratic opponents. Most people remember how he used it against Hillary. In fact, several write ups by alleged reporters last week addressed that. But they left out the way he used it against his other opponents.

Nevada now seems so long ago. But travel back with us:

The Democratic presidential candidate also said that his rivals seeking the nomination who voted to authorize the war in Iraq would be subject to Republican criticism that they “flip-flopped” now that they oppose the war.
In the context of Iraq, Obama did not name Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, who along with fellow senators, Joe Biden and Chris Dodd and former Sen. John Edwards, voted to give the president the authority to go to war.

Of course, in Nevada, Dennis Kucinich was still in the race. So Barack ignored him. But notice that in Nevada, his big talking point was that his opponents Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and John Edwards would be called "flip-floppers" and the Democratic Party shouldn't get behind them for that reason.

Hillary Clinton and the nation would later see Barack trash her . Change your mind and Mister Dirty Pool smeared you as a "flip-flopper," stand your ground and he finds another reason to trash you. There is no consistency in his approach (or in his policies, for that matter).

Beating Barack means not just calling out his lies but pinning him down on them. That's how you deliver the knock-out blow. "Just a minute, ten minutes ago, you were saying ____ was wrong and now you're saying _____."

When you deliver that knock out blow, the look on his face will take care of the rest. Like most failed politicians, Barack can't debate worth s**t. He stammers, he uh-uh-uhs, he gets nervous and just shows how immature he truly is.