Sunday, June 08, 2008

Typical Obama supporter

Shabell (02:15:08) :
Well to the person so called herself Gay/Lesbian "Amber", well God made you by birth either female or male. So the notion of I’m leaning toward having feeling for female or vis versa is strictly made up. So cut it off, and be who you are and not. Well know that all people leave and die which is our destiny. Do you know where you will be after you die? Grave is waiting for you, and follow by tourment of the grave, and then finally judgement day. There is no 1000 way, only two ways "Hell" or "Paradise". I’m not the one who will judge you for your action, but God will and continue like that will receive Hell.
Politicians are the same, make false promise, few points gets kept by campaign promise; other thrown away. I like to believe in a change, and people to see new faces. Well it is time more than 400 years of slavery to get the higher position, people are rallying behind Obama, and seeing people of Hillary close fleeing.
At the end will see Obama shine to the top.

The comment was posted at Fear Of Ignorance, a pro-Obama site where they attempted a hatchet job on Hillary in April claiming she had a "gay problem." (Most of the comments corrected that nonsense, but they were Hillary supporters.) "Shabelle" is who you get with Obama, a gay-hating, nut case. You get that because Barack embraced gay-hating, nutcases and put them on stage in South Carolina.

[The post was called "Clinton's Big Gay Problem" and the 'info' on the non-existant problem was from AmericaBlog -- where all good Nazis eventually go on their way to hell.]