Sunday, June 08, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- Ty told us Jana, who was among the many requesting this highlight, asked, "Why does the most requested highlight never start the feature?" This week it does. C.I.'s Thursday night entry, the most requested highlight by readers of this site.

"Thomas Friedman sneaks in" -- Betty did not want to write. She'll tell you that. She didn't want to write Friday as the speech was due Saturday (Hillary's speech) and she thought maybe some sleep would help. She didn't feel any better Saturday. She says she's not sure what to make of this chapter. It's not in her outline "but it's all I could muster." We think it's actually funny and interesting. (It's also the first "and only" chapter that does not feature Bettina and is not told her from her point of view.)

"Idiots like Sharon Smith only hurt Barack" -- Trina's amazing post. For the record, Betty and Trina post once a week. Since they only post once a week, we always open with them. With this site, you know it posts on Sunday and posts several articles each Sunday. We open with Trina and Betty every week (except this one) because we want to be sure that people are aware they are posting. Due to the time they post and are own laziness, most of us mean to but forget to highlight them during the week.

"Spare us your 'help" -- Forget "American Woman," Marcia says White Mommas, stay away from me. Read it and you'll see why.

"Norman Solomon cries oink-oink" -- Elaine really thought this would be a problem with C.I. (who does like Norman Solomon). Not only was it not a problem, he's addressed this edition and C.I. was a very vocal contributor to that article.

"Snapshot of the snapshot" -- Mike explains the story behind the snapshot. And as we say that, we realize, Jim hasn't written his damn article! The thing he moaned and moanded about all week. We thought we just had the editorial left but now realize Jim's also got to write his article. (We don't know if we're helping or not. Ava and C.I. will not be participating in the writing of the article as they noted last week.) If you're wondering how that can be forgotten, it's because these writing editions are hectic and crazy. Kat's rushed off to ask Jim (the rest of us are participating by phone). But we start writing and have a number of stories we agree on and then we're caught up on this or that article, time runs out and we forget. If you've been following the VA story at The Common Ills or via Mike, you know this is a big deal to Jim. But when we're doing these all nighters it's easy to forget a lot. So when you get an e-mail from anyone but C.I. saying, "We'll write about this Sunday" and it ends up being next Sunday, know we forgot. (C.I. never forgets. And if C.I. remembers at the last minute, we still write it.) Kat's back on the phone with us and says Jim had completely forgot. We're going to try to pull something together quickly. Ava and C.I. are going to be pissed. No joke. We were supposed to be done already. Their review, by the way is just entertainment programming. That's partly due to Jim bragging about who wrote to praise their stuff last week. They don't look for an outside following so they've pulled back this week. It's also because long term readers have been patient and they know they owe those long term readers a review like this.

"hotels & web etiquette" -- the second most requested highlight. Rebecca wrote it and, at her request, it's popping up in this order.

"CNN lies for Barack" -- strong media criticism from Ruth. One of the most amazing things ("sidebar") about this election cycle is seeing the Obama drones complain how 'negative' the press has been to him. They really live in their own little world, don't they?

"Ethics and standards" -- Mike's most excellent post! :D (That was Cedric, not Mike before someone thinks he was praising himself.) This was a community favorite and actually the third most requested piece. (Mike: I should note Ty told us only three highlights were requested. So I'm third and last. :D)

"THIS JUST IN! THE NOT SO ANTI-WAR BARACK!" & "The 'anti-war' Barack" -- Like pulling teeth, Wally and Cedric say of blogging after Wednesday. One person wrote Cedric and said, "I think it's sad that C.I. didn't credit you in Friday's snapshot because you're both using the same story." Cedric responds, "We're both using it because C.I. passed it on to me. Wally and I had found nothing and I had called Kat and told her we might not post. We'd missed Thursday and lied to each other and said we'd post on Friday morning. We had nothing. The reason we didn't get highlighted in the snapshot is C.I. didn't know this had gone up. But we got the story from C.I. who passed it on suggesting we might be able to do something with it."

"Robbing Hillary to shore up the weak candidate" -- Kat points out the theft that allowed Barack to get more delegates, more everything.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Queen Nancy Pelosi" -- Isaiah's wonderful comic of Queen Nancy.

"The Littlest Nixon is not Eisenhower's granddaughter!" -- we're including this mainly because we've rarely seen C.I. so furious. Jim got it right away and explained it to the rest of us. This was a MSM story. The MSM loves 'officials.' You do not take the daughter of a former US president and make her the granddaughter of a former president she has no blood relation to. It is a huge MSM mistake and shows journalistic sloppiness. It's not a minor error for the MSM because the people involved (Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ike) are so famous and so covered by the MSM that it's really "falling off the cabbage patch" to make this error.

"nice gets you nowhere" -- Rebecca telling it like it is.

"THIS JUST IN! NOW HE THROWS SUPPORTERS UNDER THE BUS!" & "Barack attacks another woman" -- Wally and Cedric did this as a humor post. ("And C.I. linked to us in a morning entry as well as in the snapshot," Wally points out.) But it really is a based on a news story. Barack's got real problems with women voters and stories like this only make the problem bigger.

"Who's standing up for Iraqi women?" -- Elaine's post about wages paid by the US government.

"What matters" -- Remember how we talked about the order and wanting to be sure something was seen? Kat posted this late Friday night/early Saturday morning. You should have seen it but we're not sure you did. This is a post we all loved.

That's going to be it. We had other stuff to highlight but Ruth and Marcia (who were going to be highlighted again) said forget it. We need to write the VA thing or we'll never get to the editorial and never get to sleep.