Sunday, June 15, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"Pack it in Ms. Magazine, you're pathetic" -- Betty dropped the chapter planned for her site Friday. She was too ticked off. With? Ms. magazine and their phony nonsense. Ms. magazine and their waste everyone's time. She apologizes to Betinna fans but says, "Ms. is so out of it that they don't know kids' slang, they don't know the Black culture and they're trying to pretend like they've been calling out sexism throughout the primary race. All of that nonsense meant I hit the roof."

"Easy additions in the Kitchen" -- Trina's getting more and more readers lately. Some of them know nothing about cooking but are trying to learn something. How come? Why did Trina start her site? Because of the poor economy. The Bully Boy economy that has only gotten worse. Elaine says Trina was saying Friday, "It's not like I was trying to be Gourmet magazine, I was keeping the recipes short and simple. But there are people out there, a growing number, who would look at some of those basics as way out of their price range." The economy is getting worse and Mike says Trina's going to drop down to even easier and more basic and less expensive dishes for the next few weeks, "Ma is really alarmed by the e-mails. There's a whole group of people who's income has dropped due to raising prices and there's no press on them. But they are a growing group and she hears from more and more of them every week."

"Pride & Shame" & "Pride & Shame" -- It is Gay Pride Month and one feature Marcia's started doing -- and plans to do at least twice a week through the month -- is Pride & Shame. We're going to try to do something with this here as well.

"I Hate The War" -- most requested post and Ty says three complaints came in to this site that Wally and Cedric had ignored it. Cedric, "We didn't link to it. We will in our joint-post Monday. We often forget things. What happens with The Common Ills is we go to the mirror site. We grab the big title -- which contains a link -- and copy and paste it in. That way we don't have to copy and paste in the title and then go copy the link, go back into the draft e-mail and add it. But on Saturday, the problem that's come up all last week was happening again. For some reason, all last week, at various times, Blogdrive wouldn't show the latest posts. That was true of my mirror site and Rebecca's. I would get e-mails that I hadn't cross-posted when I had. So we went in Saturday, to the mirror site and it was showing Wednesday's cross-posts as the latest. We tried refresh, it didn't do anything. In a rush, we grabbed them from the main site and forgot that there were four and not three. Our bad, no insult intended." Rebecca adds, "Those are being cross-posted. C.I.'s cross-posting, Cedric's cross-posting and I'm cross-posting. We are all getting e-mails about why we've stopped. Sometimes the same person will e-mail again later to say, 'Oh, it is up.' That's a Blogdrive thing and it has nothing to do with what we're doing on our end."

"Peggy Simpson, Katie Couric" -- Elaine explains how women are targeted. "Some of the e-mails Sunny read on this," she said, "pointed to Britney Spears and other women as well. That's very true but I was trying to stay out of the arts and just note the way three had been targeted. But, yes, there is a dogpile on women that never stops. As Ava and C.I. named it: 'Bash the Bitch.' And, they are right, it is becoming the national pastime."

"Corey Glass, Third" --Mike talks about war resisters and breaks down last week's edition.

"Howard Dean never gets it" -- Mike's post on Coward Dean and how he pretends to give a damn about sexism but quickly betrays himself in his own remarks.

"music"& "Carly" -- Rebecca wrote about the Mamas and the Papas, Kat wrote about Carly. No, they didn't both plan to write about music. It was Monday, the first day back at their own sites, and they knew a lot of people were not thrilled that Hillary had suspended her campaign so they were trying to provide an enjoyable topic and they both ended up on music.

"Keith Olbermann's tough night" & "THIS JUST IN! KEITH'S SMACKDOWN!" & THIS JUST IN! OLBERMANN FILES FOR DAMAGES! & The ordeals of Olbermann -- Cedric and Wally's "The Keith Chronicles" in which life gets 'tough' for the pampered puss who appears addicted to facials as much as he's addicted to screaming at women.

"Pelosi v. Reid" -- If you're not paying attention, you're not noticing that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are not working together. If you're not noticing, you're not aware that Nancy Pelosi has been getting very public with her criticism of the Senate and its leader. Who's right? You'd have to be following what's going on to determine that. We doubt Barack can win the general election so we don't see a Dem White House, Dem Senate and Dem House. But for those of you who do, for those of you invested in it, you might want to start paying attention to the very real conflict between the leader of the House and the leader of the Senate (both Democrats) because your hopes of total control and getting things done the minute that happens appear to have a few kinks.

"Barack sews up the non-religious vote" -- We loved this one by Ruth reminding people that it's the strong unfavorables that show up in polling which opposing candidates will use against them.

"Michele Bollinger plays with her own feces" -- Elaine's wonderful post. Mike, "My grandfather's a Socialist and has been one since before people like Bollinger were even bored. He says Socialist Worker -- US division -- isn't Socialist. He says they have repeatedly demonstrated that they're content to play Democrat's kid sister. He read Elaine's post and laughed hard. Then he hunted down Bollinger's article and laughed even harder. He said it was like she was angling for a job in a Barack administration." :D

"barack follies" -- We love the follies! :D Rebecca talking about the Christ-child's latest problems.

"Patti Smith, Corey Glass" & "D.N.C. says goodbye to Florida" -- Ruth shares two videos from YouTube (one of rock legend Smith and the other of war resister Glass) and in the other post talks about what Barack in November means for the Florida vote.